Ch.23 Three is a crowd

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"I don't know what I will do with myself there," Meera confessed. "It's a brand new place with brand new people. I'm frightened."

"When have you ever let fear stop you?" Iris chuckled. "I remember you holding Ozmen's hand and marching him down to his sparing sessions. I remember you jumping into the crowd to help June, I remember you speaking up for the fishermans when your uncle tried to raise their taxes. You've always known what to do and I am positive you will know how to fulfill your new role."

Meera remained silent, the heavy feeling growing in her belly.

"Being a wife is not easy," Iris continued. "But know that you and Eryx have formed a union that comes above all else. Be his support, be his love and be his peace."

Meera's chest tightened with frustration and raw humiliation. She looked up at Iris and dared to speak her mind.

"I have this sinking feeling inside of me," she said. "Eryx has not spent a moment alone with me since our wedding night. And I have tried to get close to him but he shuts me out."

Hearing her words and the worry in her voice, Iris frowned. Her eyes softened and she carefully listened to the words the new wife spoke of her husband.

"I don't know what to do," Meera wiped away a tear and composed herself with a deep sigh. "He won't.........touch me."

"Have you spoken to him?" Iris asked.

"No," Meera shook her head.

"Why not?" Iris's frown deepened. "You should tell him how you are feeling."

"I don't know how to," Meera said, her cheeks growing warm.

"My dear," Iris chuckled. "He's your husband. You can speak to him about anything."

"We're not like you and Uncle Neftali."

"Yet," Iris corrected her. "You're not like us yet. And that's only because your uncle and I have been married for ages. Your journey with Eryx has only begun. But if you don't speak freely to him, how will he ever know what's on your mind?"

Meera was silent once more. She chewed on her bottom lip as she shifted her weight, trying to absorb Iris's words.

"Men like to think they know all," Iris laughed. "Especially about women. But in reality, they only know what we allow them to understand."

"What are you saying?" Meera asked.

"I'm saying you need to express yourself more with Eryx," Iris said. "Sometimes they know far less then we even expect them to. Be clear and tell him exactly what you need, want and desire."

The thought of ever stepping foot in front of Eryx made Meera want to crown into a deep dark hole. She didn't know how she was supposed to face him, let alone tell him what she desired.

"Don't worry too much about it," Iris patted Meera's cheek. "You two will find your rhythm."

Meera slowly nodded, her head spinning and her stomach churning.

"Have you offered your prayers to Poseidon yet?" The queen wondered.

"No, I have not," Meera cleared her throat.

"I suggest you do so before you leave," Iris said. "He will guide your journey through his seas."

"Yes," Meera nodded.

With one last kiss on her forehead, Iris turned and headed back to prepare for Meera's farewell. The day progressed like any other mundane day, except Meera seemed to be the only one walking around with a knot in her belly. As she said her goodbyes to everyone in the palace and made her way down to the temple, her heart felt numb and her head felt dizzy. There were too many emotions to hold onto at once. Meera could not find the space within her heart to store the love for her family, her people, and the worry and embarrassment Eryx placed upon her. She walked around with her emotions swimming in her eyes as she made her journey to the temple and stepped inside to pray to the god of the sea.

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