Temperatures Rising: Chapter 41. (P2).

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"Are you ready?" Logan asked, running his hand over Heaven's back and planting a kiss on her head. She felt a surge of nerves; today marked the day they were meeting his family, and truthfully, she wasn't entirely prepared. Sucking her teeth, she adjusted her necklace, glancing at herself in the mirror. The simple black bodycon dress she wore suddenly felt like a ball gown, intensifying the feeling of all eyes and attention directed at her. Despite her nerves, she didn't want to let Logan down. Uncertainty lingered, perhaps fueled by the history between Logan and his mother – a connection she struggled to comprehend, given the challenges they'd faced. "I'm ready," she said, attempting to convey confidence.

 "I'm ready," she said, attempting to convey confidence

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Logan smiled, taking her hand. "You look beautiful, baby. You have nothing to worry about," he complimented, guiding her out of the bedroom and downstairs.

Answering a phone call, Logan closed Heaven's door behind him. Walking around the car to the driver's side, he continued the conversation. "Hello?" he answered. "Look, Big, I told you I'll call you when I'm ready to talk shop. Right now, I have more important business. Stop calling me and stop coming around my wife," he asserted, threatening, before hanging up and placing the phone in the cupholder after ending the call.

 Stop calling me and stop coming around my wife," he asserted, threatening, before hanging up and placing the phone in the cupholder after ending the call

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Heaven, sensing Logan's annoyance, took his hand as he drove, offering a comforting gesture. "Everything alright?" she asked. "Yeah, just some annoying clients, but we're not talking business. It's about you and me today. You have nothing to worry about, baby. And the only thing we have to worry about is me and you walking down that aisle, and you looking beautiful in that white dress." Her blush was met with Logan's reassurance. "Babe, you know we're not rushing the wedding, right?" He nodded. "I do, I'm just trying to ease your mind, baby. You're over there nervous, and you don't have any reason to be. If they disrespect you, they disrespect me. They should be the ones who are nervous."

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