"Eleni you look really pale, and your shaking on the one day this winter that it's actually not that cold"

"I'll be fine" I say not looking at him. 

"Stop it Eleni your not ok, I will deal with you in a minute"


He walks of giving the player there instructions and he turns around to walk back in my direction but this time with Oliver. Fuck. He could choose anyone else. Please. Anyone else. 

"Eleni I don't know what's wrong with you but I figured your not going to tell me so Oliver is going to bring you to the nurse or something" "unless you will just tell him what's wrong with you and you can just go home" he says while looking at me. I don't look back at him. In fact I choose to look behind him, right at Oliver who is looking right back at me. 

"Ok that's it from me, Oliver please figure out what's up with her" he says giving Oliver a confused look. 

"Sure thing" Oliver says looking over at me. 

Without saying anything he sits down on the bench next to me. 

"I'm really sorry you had to do this, if I had known he was going to make you do it I would have just gone home"

"Eleni don't worry about it, but you could make it up to me by telling what wrong"

I turn my head to look at him. 

"You know don't you"

"Eleni I -

"Your dad told you"

"He did" "don't be mad he didn't mean it in a bad way"

"I don't mind Oliver I just didn't know" "you should thank him for me" "I never got the chance to"

"I will" 

I stand up wobbling a bit but managing to catch myself. 

"I'm gonna go" I say, looking down at Oliver for once. 

"Let me take you home"

"No don't worry the bus will be here in 15 minutes" 

"Nope that's 15 minutes too long, I'll take you" 

"Fine" I say smiling. 

Oliver's Pov

We get to the car. I open the passenger door for her and wait until she sits in. 

"Thank you she says" looking up at me with her gorgeous smile . 

I get in a start driving towards her house. Willing the journey to take as long as possible. We arrive just outside. 

"Thank you so much for the lift" she says opening the door. 


"I'll see you on Monday then" she says hand on the car door. 

"Monday it is" 

She closes the door. I watch her walk into her house and wave before closing the door. 


I really like this girl. 

I drive back to the school to collect my gear before leaving to go home. I get back inside. I go straight up to my room to shower. 

Why can't I just be a bit nicer to her ? 

I sit on the side of my bed head in my hands thinking of her. I've never really liked someone before. I have have countless girlfriends. It got to the point where my friends couldn't keep count. Every week it was a new girl. The worst part is a never actually liked any of them . I don't have anything against these girls I just never had feelings for them . Then one day I stopped. My dad had sat me down. He never had a problem with me dating all these girls. He never really got involved. 

He told me to think of it like football. I was using the same play over and over with an unsuccessful outcome thinking the result would change every time . So I stopped. I decided to focus on football. My friends never let it go. Ever time I'm with them they make some comment or "joke" about it. 

"Which flavour this week Matthews"

"Who is the unlucky girl of the day"

"Who is gonna be our cheerleader for this weeks match"

"Which one's gonna be clinging to  you at tonight's party"

I just laugh it off. So to this day I show no interest in any girl. Push them as far away as possible. It's better for both them and me. 

Until Eleni.

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