Just as we were about to commence, chaos ensued as a stage light came crashing down. In an instant, I found myself in the path of danger.

Before panic could fully set in, Lloyd, quick on his feet, lunged forward and pushd me out of harm's way, narrowly avoiding the falling light. We landed on the floor, and he held me securely in his arms.

The auditorium fell into a stunned silence. Gratitude flooded me for Lloyd's swift reaction, and as we assessed our surroundings, we noticed the shattered stage light a few feet away.

The dance choreographer quickly addressed the situation. "Alright, everyone, let's take a moment to ensure everything is safe. Check the equipment, and make sure there are no further issues-"

Lloyd, however, interrupted with a raised index finger. "Wait," he signaled for everyone to halt. The room fell into a hush as he silenced the bustling atmosphere. Initially, I questioned whether he was overreacting, but an unsettling feeling suggested otherwise.

Something was... off.

A tense stillness enveloped the room, with everyone frozen in their positions, awaiting Lloyd's signal. The tension heightened as footsteps echoed from backstage, signaling a hasty escape.

Swiftly, Lloyd got up from our position on the floor and rushed backstage, tailing the person responsible for this chaotic situation.


Lloyd sprinted backstage in pursuit of the culprit. He scanned the area, listening intently before discerning the sound of footsteps growing more distant.

The backstage was dark, it had a lot of crates stored around arbitrarily. Lloyd knew he was getting close to the culprit, as he raced forward, the silhouette of a person came into view just ahead of him.

Lloyd's pursuit intensified through the intricate pathways backstage. The rhythmic thud of footsteps and the occasional clatter of crates echoed in the darkness.

Despite Lloyd's speed, the elusive individual demonstrated a remarkable ability to evade capture, slipping through the shadows like a phantom.

As they darted around corners and weaved through the cluttered maze, Lloyd found himself in a suspenseful cat-and-mouse game. The person skillfully avoided capture, keeping just beyond Lloyd's grasp.

The adrenaline coursing through Lloyd's veins. In the dim light, Lloyd strained to catch more than fleeting glimpses of the perpetrator.

Yet, all he could discern was the person's arm, adorned with a tattoo of a purple snake. The serpent slithered in vivid hues, adding an ominous touch to the mysterious figure's identity.

It brought to mind a particular 7''0 ft. Anacondrai that he had set free during his younger years.

The backstage area seemed to stretch endlessly, each twist and turn offering the elusive individual an advantage. Frustration lingered as the gap between them remained constant.

Suddenly, the figure took a sharp turn, disappearing into a narrow passage. Lloyd quickened his pace, navigating through the confined space.

The shadows played tricks on his perception, but the tattooed arm remained a distinctive marker in the darkness. As Lloyd emerged from the narrow passage, he found himself in an open area where the figure had seemingly vanished.

Lloyd, catching his breath, surveyed the surroundings. The mysterious individual had eluded capture for now, leaving Lloyd with more questions than answers.

The only lingering clue—the tattoo of the purple snake—etched in Lloyd's memory.

Returning to the stage, he pushed through the curtains without anything in his hands. All eyes turned towards him, seeking answers. "Did you catch the guy?" someone inquired.

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