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I love you, I really do. I wish, I could just straight up say it  to you now but ughhh. You know, even when I think of you, hear your name or anything related to you then my heart beats so fast in your remembrance. I can even feel my cheeks heating up. How I wish I could let you know that I love you. Always remember that I can get tired of everything but not you. Even when I am tired, all I need is you. I made you my everything. My diary. My closest friend. My heart. My love. My world. I miss talking to you everyday. I miss listening to your everyday things and I miss saying mine to you too. I miss having cute little arguments. I miss your voice, I wish I could hear it all day long. Oh dear! I love you. Do you love me too? Do you pray for me too? Do you too crave for my love as I crave for yours? Do you miss me too? Come to fix my heart a bit fast please. But this time to come to fix it forever and ever.

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