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Yesterday night, in my Esha prayers I cried so so hard. And even after completing my prayers I couldn't hold my tears. My mind was playing games with me. I went and lied besides my mother with whom I had a love-hate relationship because she was very strict. I was crying so hard that my hands were shaking, my whole body felt weak and I was breathing really happy. I was crying for him but when my mom asked why I was crying I lied and told that I was crying about my exams and insecurities. But a mom knows her child very well and my mom knew that's not the only reason I was crying. And almost after half an hour I told her about my depression, my suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts. My mom shed tears and expressed her concern for me. Obviously, I didn't say anything about 'M'. I also told my mom how Vivian always encouraged me to talk to my parents and how she always supported me. My mom told  that I can study whatever I want to, it's ok even if I don't want to study anymore and she told that she would always support me. And then suddenly I felt myself becoming strong. 


Thank you for reading my story. Do pray for me pls.

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