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I love you, I really do. You know something that's worse than death? Well, the answer is separation from the person you love. But our separation is different. This separation is to be together in the future forever. Well, I will keep on praying and shedding tears for you. I can do nothing more than that. Well, if I can then let me know. I will do that too. The whole day it's me thinking about you. Aren't you already tired after roaming around my head the whole day? Well, I actually like the fact that you roam around my head 24/7. I really do adore this feeling. You know I love you so much that when I walk outside, I look at the sky and ask the Lord to have you.  On my way, I look at my phone looking at pics and videos that I saved in your remembrance not bothered by the cars. I hate this distance. I wish this distance would just be a line drawn by pencil so that I could erase it. 

I won't term you as the moon or you will just hide behind the clouds. I won't call you my friend or you will just leave me. I won't term you as a rose or you will just shed all your petals. I won't call you a dream or else you will be gone when I wake up. I will call you my life so that you can't leave me before my death. Well, I don't mind dying but can I please die in your arms. I don't mind dying but can I please meet you before that. I don't mind dying but can I please let you know how much I love you before that. I don't mind dying but will you please pray for me. I don't mind dying but will you even visit my grave. I have fallen in love this time ugh. I can never fall out of love. I pray to have you. I pray for your success and your safety. I pray for your name to be written in my taqdir and my name in yours. I pray to be your wife and for you to be my husband. I pray to have you. I pray that you love me more than I love you. I pray that the only girl you ever love be me. I pray that you love me always and I too love you forever. 


Sab ishq mein sharabi baan jate hai

aur hum apke ishq mein namazi ban gaye. 


Thank you so much for reading this. Do pray for him, me and us

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