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                              a matter of seconds it's all gone? You just told your mom got to know about everything and now everything is in the hands of taqdir and you are cutting off all your ties with me. So, now I can't talk to you everyday. The only thing I can do is cry and pray for you which I already do...but this time it's gonna be praying for you without even knowing if you will pray for me, cry for me or even remember my name. You promised not to breaky my heart. You promised that you wouldn't leave me. So, this is how you fulfill your promises? I know you are having to do this because of the situation. But do you know about the power of a girl's tears. My tears can do a lot of things. They really can.

I love you so much , I really do. Instead of making my heart suffer so bad, why don't you just come and cut my throat. Just come and stab me . Just come and kill me. You just broke my heart into a million pieces. And the worst part is...each piece loves you a lot. I was so proud and happy about having you as the person I love. I told everyone about what will I say? 

I loved you yesterday, I love you today and I will love you forever and always. 

But I really want to hate you... My eyes are shedding tears. You know one of my friends told me that I would never be able to meet you and maybe she was right. Guess what? This means that this story forever will have it's status as incomplete coz our story might be forever incomplete. Thank you for killing me. Thank you for destroying my heart. Thank you for making me understand that love is useless. Thank you for making me realize that I should just become feeling less.

Even I have decided now..let everything be in the hands of Allah. I will never love anyone...I never will. If Allah has written your name in my taqdir or if Allah is willing to accept my prayers and write your name in my taqdir, then may my heart forever be with you and if that's not the case I hope I forget you forever and never think of you again.....

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