Chapter -25

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I love you ughh. I really do. Even if my mind ever thought of leaving you, I wouldn't leave you. Why? Because I am the kind of person who listens to their heart. I am in love with you, as death is in love with life, as darkness is in love with light, as the moon is in love with the sun, as the night is in love with the day...
I don't know what you mean to the whole world, well that is for them to figure out. But for me you will always be love... beautiful love.
I would stand with you in the pouring rain though I know I could be dry. I would spend my winter night with you though I know I could enjoy it alone. I would share my ice cream with you though I hate sharing it with others. I would stay with you outside despite the scorching heat though I know I could be in my room away from this heat.

You might stop loving me afterall I ain't the most prettiest or the ideal girl. But my heart will never stop loving you. My heart will always wait for it to be attached with yours. My hands will wait forever for them to be held by yours.

Afterall, I love you....

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