I'm still watching tik tok when I see another video and I knew that I was going to cry again, and because I cried once I felt as if I cried again then I would be a "pick me". Even though I knew I wouldn't, because that's not how the group is, but still. So I decided to quietly get up and walk out of the living, and go to the bathroom.

As I'm sitting on the bathroom floor crying I hear a knock on the door.

"baby? y/n let me in, it's Walker" I hear him quietly say, I don't even stand up I just try and somehow unlock the door, and he sits down with me.

"I'm sorry I made you leave the group, go back I'm fine" I say still crying.

"no. I'm not leaving you, and do you want to go to the guest room? I know for a fact that Aryan won't care, I'm always staying it when I'm over" he says rubbing my back and drawing shapes on my back gently. I nod my head letting him know that it's okay, and that I want to go.

He stand up, "come on let's get you up." he pulls me up and walks me to the guest room.

"okay y/n spill. tell me everything, vent you know I don't care just talk to me." he says to me, looking in my eyes.

"I don't know Walker? I just saw another sad dog tik tok and it made me really upset, because I miss my baby. and I felt because I felt bad if I cried again, so I was just going to just calm myself down in the bathroom. Until you came to get me and you should be hanging out with your friends and not me. And I just don't know how to even feel right now. I'm just so overwhelmed" I say crying into his arms, he just lets me cry and cry, and he just tells me that I'm okay and that it'll all work out.

Walker's POV:

Finally after 20 minutes of trying to get y/n to calm down she did, I was just holding her telling her that it was okay and that she was important. You know, just being a good boyfriend 🤷🏼‍♂️. After a little bit she fall asleep in my arms, and I decided to move her so it's more comfortable for both of us. Because right now we are sitting at the edge of the bed.

I move the blanket off an area of the bed for y/n and the pick her up and lay her down. Once I get her settled I lay down next to her and just play on my phone. after a little bit I finally fall asleep as well.

Aryan's POV:

It's been almost an hour since me and the rest of the group has seen y/n or Walker. I do remember y/n walking out and then a few minutes later Walker said that he would be right back. But so far that hasn't happened yet.

"Hey guys..." I say breaking the silence, "does anyone know where y/n and Walker went by any chance?"

"umm now that you mention Aryan, I haven't" Leah says looking up from her phone and around the room.

"I mean he did say that he would be back?" Dior said also a bit confused.

"do you guys think that we should go- i don't know. maybe check on them?" I ask not really knowing what to do.

"yeah I think it's a good idea. do you have anything idea as to where they might be Aryan?" Charlie asks me.

"yeah I think that they might be in the guest room? I know that Walker is pretty much always in there whenever he's over. I mean it's basically his room at this point" I say laughing and getting up with the rest of the group to check it out.

We are all quiet whispering and walking down the hall to the guest room. None of us know what happened with y/n and Walker, I mean we know they are somewhere in the house because we would've seen them leave.

Once we got to the door Dior and Leah were the ones to quietly crack open to door to see what they were doing.

"oh my goodness" Dior whispered walking into the room.

"awe this is so cute, boys pull out your phones and open up to your camera" Leah says laughing a little bit.

"what is it?" I ask walking in. when I walk in I see a sleeping y/n and Walker snuggled up together. With Walker holding her like there was no tomorrow. "awwww they are too cute"

"So you're telling me that they left to cuddle?!" Leah says joking mad.

"I don't think they meant to. I mean when y/n walked out she seemed pretty upset." Charlie said.

"poor girl, anyways want to take pictures of them to post on instagram? Or to use them for future black mail?!" Dior asks. I love her but if she catches you lacking, watch out.

"um yes isn't that the whole reason we came in here?" Charlie says giving Dior a high five.

Before we can even get two photos Charlie's flash on his phone went off, and woke up Walker.

Walker's POV:

"guys? what are you guys doing?" I say covering my eyes and I bring y/n closer to me.

"is she okay?" "what happened" "yeah tell us" "we got black mail!" Leah, Charlie, Aryan, and Dior all say at the same, and all sit on different spots on the bed.

"okay so, I think that she's okay as of right now. but her dog passed away last week and when she saw the first video she was pretty upset, but it wasn't a big deal." I first tell them, "However when she left she had seen another video. But she didn't want to get in the way of the hang out, because she knows how much I love to hang out with you guys. And also because she felt embarrassed." i continue to tell them as I rub her back, "once I got her calmed down enough to walk into her I had once again asked her what was wrong and to just tell me anything and everything. Because I know that she bottles up her feelings and just everything was eating away at her. It took me like, I don't know guys maybe 20 minutes to even calm her down, and then she was tired from crying so much. And now we are here" I finish just looking at her peacefully sleeping.

"I had no idea all of that happened" Aryan says.

"Yeah, make sure that she knows we wouldn't make fun of her" Dior agrees

"yea I think that was what she was worried about, but i told her that you guys don't care" I tell them, "but hey it's late, so I think I'm going to wake her up and take her home"

"no it's okay, you all can stay the night here. It's really late, and I don't want anyone to have to drive home at this time" Aryan says, "Walker you can stay here with y/n, Charlie you can stay in my room. Dior and Leah, you both can sleep in the living room!".

"Okay thanks man, night everyone" Dior and Leah say walking out.

"Night- Aryan I'll meet you in your room" Charlie says and walks out.

"hey seriously thank you for letting us stay over" I tell him.

"Yeah of course, make sure y/n's ok! Goodnight dude" he says walking out and shutting the door behind him.

"Night man!" I say and fall asleep once again.

The end

a/n: idk how I feel about dis one 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️

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