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The next day, all the boys stood up together.

Stress at it's peak, they're all on stage. Joshua sighs as he sets up the appropriate equipment. While his friends do the same, Seungcheol necessarily right next to him, Chan right next to Seungcheol, Soonyoung to Chan's right, Jihoon right next to him, while Soonyoung and Jun and Minghao come downstage to dance, Chan and Soonyoung joining them. 

All the students are in front of them, and the stress begins to mount, the dancers correctly, turning and nodding. Seungcheol replaces Chan on guitar, as his boyfriend is more at ease dancing.

The song starts slowly:

[ I've never felt like this before.
I can't get enough, so stay with me.

No need to have big plans, let's just drive around town holding hands and you have to know, that you're the only one in my eyes and you have to know, that you manage to keep me up all night....

My heart hurts so much. I love you, I love you so much.

My heart hurts so much...

I love you, I love you so much...

You're too classy in my clothes, you're too warm when you're close, to me. Slowly, we discover each other again on these nights, the red lights in my room are our mirror ball and you have to know, that no one can replace you and you have to know, that I'm really obsessed with you...

My heart hurts so much...

I love you, I love you so much. My heart hurts so much. I love you, I love you so much...

And you've got to know, that you're the only one for me and you've got to know, that you keep me up all night.

My heart hurts so bad.

I love you, I love you so much, my heart hurts so much. I love you, I love you so, so much...

My heart aches...
My heart aches...
My heart hurts, so much...

Jeonghan ]

The song ends to rapturous applause, with tears streaming down Joshua's face as well as those of the audience. The latter is completely shocked, to say the least. So his youngest really loves him ?

And has done for a long time, which is slowly breaking his heart. Seungcheol was right, Jeonghan can't stand him, really can't, so he walks towards the stage and doesn't care about the reprisals.

He climbs up and comes face to face with Joshua, takes the nape of his youngest neck in his hands and advances it to his face, the two boys close their eyes and their mouths come together in a tender, soothing kiss, howls of joy are heard. Blonf steps back, his eyes sparkling with love like Joshua's.

The older man grabs the microphone and says...

" I love you Shuji-ya, I really do ! "

Joshua can't believe it, he looks at the audience and grabs the microphone in turn...

" I love you too Hannie-ya. "

The two lovers kiss again a few seconds later, they part, then it's Seungcheol's turn to grab the mic...

" Thank you, dear audience ! I just have one thing to say, Chan is my boyfriend, nobody touches him, he's my private property, and I love him."

Following this, Seungcheol goes off to kiss Chan, under the tenderized gazes of everyone. Joshua grabs Jeonghan's hand and intertwines their fingers together... 

" Are you coming to my place tonight ? "

" Of course ! "

" What about Vernon ? "

" He have sex with Seungkwan, and now they're a couple..."

" I'll have to talk to him myself..."

" Damn it, make love to me tonight, even now..."

" What ? "

" I want you, I missed it so much, I missed you so much Shuji-ya. "

" Shall we go ? "

" Yes."

The two new lovers leave the stage and run off to the black-haired man's studio, happier than ever...

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