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Joshua's heart aches after his crush's words. What an idea, too, to fall in love with his sexfriend. The heart is really incomprehensible, too disturbed to do anything.

Joshua climbs down from the roof and instead of returning to class, he skips school. He pretends he's not well, his red cheeks helping him to lie. The dean looks no further and lets Joshua go home.

The black-haired boy leaves the school and returns to his studio. He immediately slumps onto his bed, his head full of unanswered questions. Then he straightens up and takes the notebook in his hands...

" How far I've fallen, to help him like this when I'm in love with him. "

He opens the notebook, picks up a pencil and begins to write...

[ I met you overnight. What a change of fate. My heart clearly wasn't ready... ]

Joshua widens his eyes, he can't do it, the first few sentences of this song sound so wrong...


< Cell phone Joshua chat with My bro' 💙 >

My bro' 💙 :

Bro- where have you been ?


Let me explain, I have a song to write to help Jeonghan date the new guy next door.It's torturing my mind, I can't do it!

My bro' 💙:

Uh, wait what ?

Honestly either you're too stupid, be too nice, but stop hurting yourself like this...

Do you want me to ask Chan to help you ? He composes too, you know.


I think I'm mostly too much in love to refuse him anything.

Oh, I don't mind, but isn't there a friend of his who also composes ?

My bro' 💙:

Ah yes, this is serious. Sounds like toxic love...

I'd talk to him about it, if Jihoon, it seems to me, but he's more singing....


No, one-sided love is not the same...
Thanks, but isn't your boyfriend ? He sings.

My bro' 💙:

Ah- that's sad though....

Channie is versatile.


Can you stop stirring the pot ?!

Hmm ? Meaning ?

My bro' 💙:

Haha, nah, I like messing with you too much. Even if it has to hurt you !

He can compose sad songs, sweet songs, songs about love, caller on rap or singing, no problem like Jihoon. Just like he can sing and rap with no worries, you know ?


You're a really mean friend.

Your guy is a genius actually, give me his number immediately.

My bro' 💙:

I know~ I'm a lion too, that's why....

Already, will you calm down, he's my boyfriend, I know he's the perfect man, but still. And wait- I'll get that.


Don't generalize the zodiac sign lion just to talk about yourself.

I don't care about Chan, I mean, I like him as a friend, but I'm just going to use him right now. Thank's.

My bro' 💙 :

Oh you know- Use him ? Are you serious ? You hurt him, I break what makes you a man....

06******** here's his of bitch!


Jeonghan uses me well, I have to use someone too. I wouldn't hurt him, leave my male attributes alone.

Thanks asshole !


Joshua puts his cell phone away before his best friend answers again, because he knows it's going to take forever otherwise, and as Seungcheol is normally in class, that's not cool. So, the black-haired boy decides to get up from his bed and settle down at his desk, puts the notebook back in front of his eyes, sighs and lets his imagination run free to write.

Which he should never have done, because in the end, his heart spoke for him. Nevertheless, it's a beautiful song, and he'll ask Chan and Jihoon for their opinions...

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