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Chat between Joshua and Jeonghan, cellphone Joshua


Me :

What did you want ?

Hannie 🫣

Come tonight, to my room... And show me the seventh even.

Me :

Seriously ? That's all you wanted ?

Hannie 🫣

You look particularly sexy in that black ensemble...😳

Me :

I know Cheol already told me....

But thanks 😊

Hannie 🫣

Cheol's opinion doesn't matter, only mine is important.

No need to thank me...

You make my crotch rise...😏

Me :

Of course he matters, he's my friend.... As are you, for that matter 😉

I'll thank you if I fucking want to !

Too bad, you wait until tonight...

Hannie 🫣

My opinion is the most important of all 😌

Oh, mister is vulgar ?

You don't want to take me in the toilets....

Me :

How are the ankles ?

Didn't you know yet ?

No, calm down, you're taking the romance out of it.

Hannie 🫣

They're fine, I'm glad you care !

Yes, I do, but I didn't think it was that bad...

You're no fun...

And what's so romantic about it ? It's just sex between us.


You're unbelievable, man...

Sorry to shock you, um.

Yeah, it's okay, I know, I don't need to be reminded at every opportunity...

Hannie 🫣

I know, I hear it all the time.

You don't shock me Jisoo..

Why do you react like that ? It's never bothered you...


And have you ever thought about evolving ? And change ?

The " Jisoo " sounds a bit cold.

I feel like all you want is for me to destroy your ass.

It's frustrating.

Hannie 🫣

Why should I change ? I like myself, that's enough...

Soo-ah, is that better ?

You're still my friend first... But you're right, tonight we'll talk after the act if you want...

Me :

[ I like you too..

I like you too.

I like you...

I like...]

You're so right ! Just be yourself... No need to change for the others.

Usually, it's Joshua with you, or Shua... Jisoo, it's Seungcheol who calls me that...

Why does it have to be afterwards ? Can we talk first ?

Hannie 🫣

I know that 😌

Does it bother you that I call you like your best friend does ? No but seriously, why do you keep bringing Cheol into this conversation ? Do you love him or something ?

No ! Serious talk will turn you off if you do it before...


Nah, you call me whatever you want, it's just weird....

I don't like Cheol, not like that, he's already in a relationship... And besides, I'm not interested in him, where did you get that from ?

Yeah, you're probably right... But anyway, we had the talk !

Hannie 🫣

All right, hey, I'll call you Shua, as always...

Yes, you know what they say, just because there's a goalie doesn't mean you can't score goals... I don't know how often you talk about him, it makes me doubt...

Yes, we did, but I'd have to talk to you seriously anyway !


Whatever you say 🤷‍♂️

No, but no, I don't love Cheol, you're stupid, but really ! I'm talking about him because he's my best friend... You don't have to look for noon at two o'clock either.

Wow... Are you serious ?

Hannie 🫣

Okay ! There's no need to get upset...

Yeah, seriously ! So tonight, in my room, and don't keep me waiting, I hate it !

Me :

I know it, don't worry, I'll come at a reasonable hour...

And especially at an hour when no one will be able to hear us if we ever 😏

Hannie 🫣

Interesting... Can't wait 😏


End of the conversation, because the bell is ringing.

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