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All the boys have gone to the classroom...

During math class, Jeonghan did nothing but look at Joshua, touching his lips and staring at his younger's. Clearly, he can't think straight anymore. This night was torrid, wild but also passionate and full of love.

They took their time, just to enjoy the moment, Joshua didn't want to hurt the blond and Jeonghan could feel it. Joshua isn't usually so gentle in his savagery and yet this time, Jeonghan despite several rounds walked quietly without any pain.

He'd be lying to himself if he said he hadn't liked it, but when the blond thought about it, his heart drummed in his ribcage, disturbing him.

[ Joshua, is he starting to have an effect on me ? ] he thinks...

Following this question to himself, his cheeks take on a rosy hue, his hands become clammy and his heart really seems to want to leave his ribcage.

[ Even when I'm with Vernon, he doesn't speed up like that ? What the fuck is happening to me ? Am I really in love with him ? ]

" Mister Yoon ? "

" Yes Shua ?"

The class bursts out laughing as Joshua turns his head towards the blond, who stammers out a quick apology and runs out of the classroom.

The teacher asks Joshua to go and find him. After a few minutes of searching, he finds the blond boy lying on the roof of the school... 

" Jeonghannie ? "

" Shuji-ya ? "

" Is everyone all right Hannie ? "

" This is so embarrassing right now... I'd like to bury myself six feet under."

" Don't be so dramatic, it's nothing really. "

Joshua steps forward, and comes to sit beside the blond, he also lies down right next to him and the two boys watch the cloudy sky...

" Can I ask you a question ? "

" Please don't talk about what just happened."

" But why ? " Joshua pout like a baby.

" It's too embarrassing."

[ Shit, he's so beautiful with this slight pout on his lips- I want to kiss him so bad...] Jeonghan thinks

" There are worse things in life..."

" It didn't bother you when I called you by your nickname."

" Not especially, I just didn't understand."

" Stay with the misunderstanding, it's better. "

Jeonghan stands up, his head full of questions, Joshua stands up too, with questions on his mind too...

" Jeong-"

" Really, you'll excuse me for what I'm about to do. "

The blond advances towards his younger, closes his eyes, takes the nape of the black-haired man's neck and places a tender kiss on his opposite number's lips, their crescents of flesh moving together, Joshua's hands, immediately settle on Jeonghan's waist.

With his hands in the black-haired man's hair, the blond asks for access to the black-haired man's oral cavity. Joshua opens his lips slightly and their tongues come together in a soft, slow, languorous exchange.

After a few minutes of kissing, the older man pulls back, their eyes open and their gazes lock. Jeonghan tries to return to kiss the black-haired man's tempting lips, but Joshua places a finger on Jeonghan's lips for stop him.

" Why ? "

The blond following this very slight question seems to come back down to earth, he pulls away from the black-haired man as fast as he can, running his hands through his hair, repeating to himself...

" What did I just do ? What the hell..."

He immediately fled, not responding to the black-haired man's numerous calls, the black-haired man immediately returned to class, quickly apologizing for his flight...

A few seconds later.

Joshua returns and settles back into his seat...

[ I think I'm beginning to like him ] the older boy thinks sincerely.

[ I don't get it, but damn I love him so fucking much.] thinks the youngest...

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