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" Hyung, shall we go to the bar ? " Soonyoung asks his best friend Jeonghan.

" I'll follow you Soon-ah."

" Aren't you going to be bored ? "

" Why should I be bored ? "

" You're the only one single in our group. "

Jeonghan looks with dark eyes at his friend then finally smiles as he remembers, that tonight as every night now for months. He finds, a friend to satisfy his cravings. He licks his lower lip just thinking about it and shakes his head gently. Before leaving the apartment with his friend to go to that famous club.

The two friends arrive on the scene. Soonyoung settles down next to his boyfriend, Jihoon. While he settles into a chair at the end of the table. The first glass goes down easily, the second the same, and the glasses follow one another at great speed. Until one of them reminds everyone that tomorrow is school day.

" Hey guys, tomorrow we're working, so let's get out of here and get some sleep, so we can sober up as much as possible. " Says Wonwoo

" But..." Vernon begins

" No buts about it, come on, the most sober carry the most alcoholic. Uh, shit that brings back Jeonghan hyung. " Retorts Wonwoo

The blond is aware of what he's doing, he's not drunk at all and has stopped at two drinks but when you've got alcohol in your blood, it's best to have someone by your side, you never know.

Except that right now, no one is available for Jeonghan, because Wonwoo is watching his boyfriend Mingyu, Jihoon is watching Soonyoung and Amy is watching Seokmin, Seugkwan is watching Vernon, and as on a motorcycle, you only have two seats.

" Guys, I'm fine..."

" We know that hyung, but even, anything can happen, with alcohol in the blood. " Says Jihoon

Jeonghan nods, agreeing wholeheartedly with his friend and therefore remaining firmly seated in his seat. Until a hand lands on his shoulder, he looks up and sees him.

Black and slightly blue hair, very light make-up, short transparent top revealing his fine musculature, tight black pants, hands in pockets, piercing gaze, lollipop in mouth.

" I'll take care of him, so you can go home with a clear conscience." Said the boy

" Thank you very much hyung. " Says Jihoon

Then one by one, Jeonghan's friends leave, and finally, it's just the two of them around this table. He and Jeonghan.

" Say, you've still got room for just one more drink." Says the black-haired man

" Sure, I'm perfectly fine. "

The black-haired man steps up to the blond's ear and whispers, while letting his hands slide over Jeonghan's body...

" You won't say that again later..."

" Just because you're going to have sex with me, doesn't necessarily mean I'm going to be in pain."

" I'll go hard then..."

" Make me dream. Show me the paradise."

The black-haired man steps back, a smile on his lips, and calls for a waiter to get them a nice whisky. The black-haired man looks intently at the blond's lips and licks his own, then looks at his glass and toasts Jeonghan.

As he begins to drink, his foot teases Jeonghan's leg under the table, then moves gently up the blond's leg. The black-haired man's strokes become more and more intense, until they reach the blond's crotch, where he holds back a groan.

Jeonghan, unable to wait any longer, finishes his drink in one gulp, places a bill on the table, grabs the black-haired men hand and runs. It's shaping up to be an extremely eventful evening ~


Hello my precious star's I'm finally back with a new story, this story is very different from the other's because a lot of hot stuff are going to be here !

I hope your going to like, stay warm and be safe, take care of yourself, smile, your perfect just the way you are, love you ♥︎♥︎

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