Six [ M ]

507 15 0

Three weeks have passed and...

Joshua still hasn't had that famous talk with Jeonghan, it's starting to weigh heavily on his conscience but he can't get it out.

The young man is currently lying in bed, and he cogitates, fans his head absolutely everything is mixed up, pros and cons, feelings, Jeonghan's words, Seungcheol's words, everything seems to get muddled in his mind, every Jeonghan actions turn in his head, every Seungcheol's sentence make him think deeply.

Then he receives notifications, precisely from the two boys who were occupying his mind...


My bro' 💙 :

Honestly, I think you really need to have a chat with him, I can't see any other way ! Come on, fighting my brother ;)


Joshua smiles at the message, knowing full well that he can and will always count on his best friend. He's become such a pillar of his life, he wouldn't do anything without him, so the blond opens the second message...


Hannie 😳:

Didn't you say we'd meet at my place ? I'm waiting for you, the bed's warm too, just waiting for you. Just like my ass is waiting for your di...😏


Joshua shakes his head, smiling wider, and looks at the time he received... 

19 h 56..

And currently, it's..

22 h 12

Shit ! Well, it's never too late, is it ? Joshua scrambles out of bed, kicks off his college shoes and puts on a new pair, then heads straight for Jeonghan's room. After a few minutes of running, the blond arrived but there was no sound.

So he decides to go through the window, which as usual is open, and stands over Jeonghan on the bed. The blond wakes up in a panic and Joshua automatically places his index finger over the older man's mouth...

" Shh, it's only me..."

" You made me wait..."

" Fair enough. Let me remind you that we're not alone here..."

" Ah, that's true..."

" Yes, the later I come, the more likely people are to be asleep..."

" Do you have what it takes ? "

[ M ]

Joshua pulls a box of condoms from his pocket and gives Jeonghan an amused wink. The blond takes this as an invitation, so he comes straight to his feet and presses his lips to Joshua's, the sounds of kissing fill the room, the atmosphere heats up, hands roam over each other's bodies, excitement soars.

Joshua steps back from Jeonghan and begins to lightly tongue Jeonghan's neck, the latter sighs with relief and removes the American's upper garments, the younger takes the opportunity to remove Jeonghan's clothes too, nothing covers the blond's body and the American takes the opportunity to kiss every inch of the young boy's skin.

The Korean begins to moan slowly and he grips the blanket with his hands when the intensity of desire becomes too strong.

" Turn around."

The black-haired man gets up from Jeonghan and removes his pants and underwear, then takes a protector and puts it over his crotch. Jeonghan has his belly against the mattress and waits for Joshua. Joshua arrives and, without preparing or warning Jeonghan, he enters in him.

A long moan of pain escapes Jeonghan's mouth, but it quickly turns into a moan as Joshua is already moving and it makes him vibrate. The American continues to move, for once he's not at all gentle in his actions, honestly he's putting a bit of all his emotions into it it goes from love and gentleness to hatred and violence but Jeonghan likes it, even if it's new he doesn't stop moaning Joshua's first name.

After a few blows, each more violent than the last, the two men end up coming at the same time, and Joshua once again, without warning, withdraws from Jeonghan, who insults Joshua for hurting him, but the American says nothing, simply smiles and throws the protection in the garbage can.

After that, the blond hair boy remembers that he has an assignment to finish, so he gets up and pulls on just a pair of shorts to go and settle down at his desk. Just as he's about to start work, Joshua comes up behind him and puts on his clothes at the same time as watching Jeonghan, then suddenly Seungcheol's words come back into his mind so he decides to have a serious talk with Jeonghan at last.

" We need to talk..."

" I know, I see that in your eyes that you want to have a serious talk with me, but just in case I remind you, it's imperative that we keep our evenings secret. So you say nothing to Seungcheol. "

" Um, don't you get tired of doing that ? "

" No, it's fine with me, why ? not with you ? "

Joshua sighs and weighs the pros and cons once more and says to himself, really he'd rather keep his feelings quiet than lose Jeonghan.

" No, I don't mind, don't worry, though if one day you find someone, you let me know."

" And we stop everything, absolutely ! We're friends at first..."

" Of course..."

The black-haired man held back his tears tightly, then pulled on his clothes and decided to go his own way, back to where he'd come in the first place, i.e. the window.

" You're leaving already ? You're not sleeping with me tonight ? "

" No, I'd rather go home, Cheol has to pick me up in the morning."

" CheolSoo are still present..."

" Uh ? What's that ? "

" A mixture of your first name with Seungcheol's."

" It's no use, are there really people who see me with Cheol ? "

" Yeah, me."

" Get that idea out of your head, asshole."

On this last word, Joshua, jumps out of the window and takes the route to his studio, letting his tears run down his face...

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