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In the morning...

Joshua wakes up to daylight and a Jeonghan staring back at him...

" Good morning Shua-ah."

" Um, good morning Jeonghan hyung..."

" Say, can we do it one more time ? "

" Wait for tonight."

" Just once, to get in shape. "

Jeonghan comes over and gently kisses Joshua's collarbone as he sighs. There, now as soon as he wakes up, he clearly doesn't feel like it at all, so using his hands, he pushes away the blond who doesn't understand...

" Shua, what's going on ? You never refuse. " Says the blond, sulking.

" Seungcheol's coming to get me, aren't you the one who said you wanted to keep it a secret."

" Ah, yes, shit, I'm dressing and leaving..."

" Yes."

" Shall we meet again tonight ? "

" Um. "

Jeonghan smiles and places a quick kiss on Joshua's lips and leaves, taking care to get dressed of course.

As the door closes on the blond, Joshua rolls over in bed, placing his hands under his head and wearily, he really wonders why his heart decided to be in love with the blond. It's true, no one can say, that Jeonghan is ugly or unattractive but he has a special character even knowing full well, that.

Joshua's in love with him and that's a real problem, because for the blond, Joshua is just a filler in the sexual sense and a friend, out of bed...

" Soo-ah ? "

" Cheol hyung..."

" You're naked again ? At least get dressed, we've got school."

" Um, wait.."

" I'm used to seeing you naked since you sleep naked, but eh."

" Thirty seconds. "

Joshua shakes his head frantically and sighs once more as he rises from his bed, grabs some black clothes and puts them on then heads off to wash his face, teeth and gets out.

" You're beautiful like that Jisoo."

" Thanks a lot hyung..."

" Who do you want to please ? "

" To myself ! "

[ Jeonghan ] he thinks.

His cheeks turn red as he thinks of him. Seungcheol sees this and says. [ Myself, of course... ] But he doesn't insist any more than that and the two boys leave the studio to head for the establishment.

" How I wish I didn't have to go." Sighs the eldest.

" And your boyfriend, don't you want to see him ? "

" I see him 24 hours a day, in fact yesterday we..."

" I don't need to know."

" Slept together because we were drunk ? "

" Ah, I thought you were going to say something else."

" I don't have sex with Channie yet, we are not together for a very long time."

" So what ? Do you ever have the urge to go further ? "

" No, we're content with each other's presence, without doing anything sexual."

" I understand, it's sweet."

" Afterwards, you know, I just hope he's the one, that's why I take my time with him."

" You're a good guy Cheol hyung..."

" You too, I hope you fall in love with a good guy who respects you because you deserve it. "

Joshua nods and ticks off the [ fall in love ] because in and of itself, he's in love with someone, but he's how shall we say, a little forbidden.

The two boys finally arrive at their school, they go to their classrooms, Seungcheol sits on his chair and his boyfriend arrives, and settles on his lap while Joshua takes his place on his table with his feet on his chair and automatically puts himself on his laptop then the other students also arrive everyone say hello to the others.

Jeonghan arrives next to Joshua, holds out his hand, Joshua holds out his hand and pats the blond's hand, except that Jeonghan grabs his hand and leans into his ear...

" We need to talk, you and I..."

" About what ? "

" I'll tell you by message..."

" Our teacher will be here."

" Who cares ? "

Jeonghan lets go of Joshua's hand, gives him a wink and leaves in his place...

The bell rings...

[ Only friend's ]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant