Chapter 22 the final!! ✨

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Jimmy's pov
When I woke up I was in math getting yelled at with Scott next to me giggling. This place was definitely home. I know this because me and Scott never had the same math but Scott said he wished we did. This world is Scotts perfect world and I'm okay with that because to him I belong here. Probably, I still haven't told him that I'm the real Jimmy. As math went on I noticed something. A lot of scott friends are in this class too. Many of which I know weren't before. Once the bell rang we headed to the lunch room. I knew Scott had math right before lunch but it felt strange for me to go to lunch after math. I ran up to Scott and asked. "Hey, can we talk?"

He had a worried look on his face as he nodded "yeah but what about?"

We went off to the side of the hallway in hopes no one would hear us. "I'm the real Jimmy. The one you fell in love with. I'm from the real world. Not this afterlife you made. The world where Xornoth was corrupted and you killed yourself to stop him" I told him. A lump formed in my throat as I said the last sentence. I was met with a hard slap to the face. I heard Lizzie yell at Scott but before I could react and Lizzie could get to us Scott pulled me in close and kissed me. My mind and heart were racing and I could think straight. Scott pulled away, took my hand and started running down the hall dragging me with him as Lizzie chased us. A few teachers yelled at us to walk but we didn't. We ran till we made it to our lunch table.

We sat down and before Lizzie was in earshot of us he said "I have never been so mad and so happy at the same time"

"Why?" Xornoth leaned over and asked Scott.

Joey went from simping over Xornoth (as normal) to looking at us confused. Lizzie sat down and slapped Scott as hard as possible. Xornoth looked pissed but Lizzie just shrugged and said "Scott slapped Jimmy"

"Then shouldn't Jimmy slap him?" Joey asked.
"Jimmy's weak and wouldn't hit his boyfriend" When Lizzie said boyfriend she shot Scott a death glare. Lizzie didn't change at all in this world and that made me happy. Scott smiled weakly and Xornoth laughed. I looked at Lizzie and she just rolled her eyes. "I'm not wrong am I?"

"Just shut up" I said as I turned back to Scott before I got upset enough at Lizzie it caused my head feathers to fluff up. I covered them with my hair as fast as possible. Everyone laughed at me. I laughed too but I wanted to cry. Scott put his hand on my shoulder and smiled "You don't have to hide them. They're really pretty"

"I'd rather cover them," I said. It would just feel weird if I did not cover them. I have always covered them but that was because people bullied me for them. Same went for my wings but I cared less about them. Still I hid both. Lizzie laughed. I'm not sure why.

One of the teachers called for us to get our food. And we all nearly bolted towards the line. The rest of the day went smoothly. Like the perfect school day. After school I went back to Rivendell because Scott wanted to talk to me alone. I needed to get home but I went anyway. I needed to get home because my wings needed to be preened(idk if I spelled that right but whatever) but that can wait I guess.

"So what do you want to talk about?" I asked Scott.

He just shook his head "I'll tell you when we're alone." Xornoth looked back at us but said nothing.
I nodded "Alright" . I got a bit nervous and my head feathers (I can't think of a better name😭) puffed up.

Scott laughed but said nothing to me. Xornoth kept looking back at us looking a bit uncomfortable. Scott nodded at him everytime he looked at us. "Wanna tell him about" He gestured to my whole body. I guess he meant me being the Jimmy from the real world.

I nodded "Xornoth. I killed myself with the ruined blade and now I'm here. I'm from the real world we all used to be. That's why Scott slapped me when he found out."

Xornoths face shifted a few times as I spoke. "Oh. How do I know to believe you?" His face shifts to one of suspicion.

"This is Scotts perfect world. Why would he want me to do or say something like that?" I asked a bit defensively but I understood where he was coming from.

"That's fair," Xornoth paused. "He wouldn't want that but then why would you hit him?" His gaze turned to Scott. He looked a bit. Mad? Upset? Disappointed? I'm not sure Xornoth is hard to read.

"I was mad he killed himself. I made up for it, didn't I Jim?" Scott smirked and looked at me. He winked badly. I couldn't help but laugh a bit.

"You know what, sure." I said and smiled. The rest of the walk was nice. Knowing all of us are the same and Xornoth isn't corrupted anymore is nice.
Once we got back Scott led me to his room. Which he didn't really need to do. I knew where it was but didn't mind him looking a bit silly(I only bolded it because it's the 20000th word!) That's when he told me what he wanted to say.

"Jimmy what do we do if anyone else joins us here with the ruined blade?" Scott asked and he seemed pretty worried about this. I hadn't thought about that. My concern showed when my wings fell from their hidden position. Scott looked at them and smiled. "Thanks for the answer" 

I was very confused and it showed "what?"

"You didn;t think of an answer and it showed. Now come here." He said with a nice soft smile. So I did as told and got closer. His expression got a bit stern. "When did you last preen your wings?"

My face changed to a nervous smile. "I'm not sure? The first thing that happened that was really me was me getting yelled at in math."

"Of course" he rolled his eyes and sat down on his bed. "Come here, I'll do it for you." I wasn't going to oppose this. It was a lot less work for me. I sat down next to him then it hit me.

"Scott. I'm not wearing a wing fitted shirt '' I sound completely pathetic.

"Ok? Just take off your shirt?  We've been dating long enough it shouldn't be a problem." He responded and I could feel my face get hotter. I took my hoodie off. It was my favorite one. I'm not surprised I was wearing it. I think I died in it. It was a superman hoodie except it was shades of green with a white S. under it I just had my white undershirt on. "You really like going slow huh~?" Scott said with a smirk.

Again i was confused "What?"

"Nevermind" he rolled his eyes again as he watched me take off my shirt. It was very embarrassing. He started working on my wings. "How'd you even end up with canary wings?" He asked me.

I gave a short but clear answer "them" We both disliked them but for different reasons.

"Oh" he said then went back to preening my wings. Once he was done I was shivering. It was so cold I just layed down on top of Scott. "Really?~"

"Yes im cold" I said beck in a stubborn tone

"Whatever" he warped his arms around me "but what if someone walks in"

"We tell them the truth?" I looked up at him. We weren't doing anything bad or wrong so why was he worried? He rolled his eyes once more and kissed me.

"I love you, my petal." Scotts words broke me. I became a blushing mess.

I managed to get out "I love you too" He smiled and pulled me in and kissed me. He keeps his arms around me. He held me until we both fell asleep. I love him.

A/N I did it! I finished my first fanfic!! I will be making more! EEKK!!! I love this so much!!!!

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