Chapter 16 The love letter Lizzies pov

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The walk back to math was long and quiet. No one else was in the halls. It was quiet. I didn't feel like going back to math so I walked slowly. I looked up at the clock, only a few minutes till the bell rings. I started walking faster, I needed to get back so I could get my bag and make it to my next class on time. I make it back to class and Mrs Amin shot me a look. I sat back down i put everything I had out away. Gem smiled at me and said, "So how'd it go?"

"Ehh, not great but not bad, Scott got in trouble but other than that good" I responded. She nodded, but the bell rang before she could say anything. We both got up and said bye. I headed for my locker, I saw Joel put something in one of the slits, the bottom one of course, he's too short to reach any other. He saw me and ran, sad I wanted to walk with him but oh well. I made it to my locker and unlocked it, I put my math book in it and grabbed the note. I started walking toward Joel, who isn't a fast walker at all. "Hey Joel" I said with a smile on my face.

"Hey Liz" Was all he said, which is unlike him, he normally tells me all about his day and how he missed me.

"Why didn't you wait?" I asked.

"Umm sorry" He said not answering the question.

"Whatever, let's just go to study hall" I said as I started walking again. Joel followed, still being quiet. "Are you okay? You seem off today"

Joel just looked up and shrugged. "Yeah im fine" I just let him be. We walked in silence for the rest of the time. I went to sit with Jimmy before Joel said to me. "I'm going to sit with my brother today" And he left. I sat down next to Jimmy, it was me, Jim and Joey. I pulled out the letter and read it. "I love you Lizzie, but I can't tell you in person, but I do. I don't care if you love me back. All I want is for you to know, so how do you feel about me now?

I stared at the note, what do I do? Joey caught on and looked up at me and said "Umm Lizzie you good?"

"Maybe. Just look!" I showed Joey the note he read. He looked up at me and laughed.

"Lucky you. Joel is a catch." Joey said with a smile

"How do I bring this up? I want to say yes, How!? How do I do it!" I responded, panicking.

"I can't help you i did what joel did with Xornoth." Joey said with a shrug. A few kids laughed at us. That didn't help my mood but I didn't say anything.

"Dang and Xornoth isn't here anymore I'll just have to find him after school" I responded once i was a bit calmer.

Joey nodded and simply said "sorry i couldn't help"

"Yeah it's fine," I said. I looked and saw Jimmy with his head down, and was definitely asleep. I ruffled his hair and said "you really should've stayed home Jimmy"

He didn't respond, I don't mind, he should have some rest. Joey looked at Jimmy and said "What's up with him?"

"He didn't feel great this morning but refused to stay home, because Scott was going to be here. He can be real stubborn if he wants." I said as the bell rang. I gently shook him awake "Jim wake up, time to get lunch."

He woke up and stood up and silently walked to the line. Me and Joey followed. Joel and His table ended up next to us in line. It took all of me to say "Joel"


"We need to talk" was all I could get myself to say.

Joey looked at me and did a silent clap but Joel looked up at me and said "umm Sure why?"

"The note" I said. His expression changed dramatically.

"What about it?" He asked.

"We share feelings" I said as I grabbed my lunch and started to walk off before.

"Lizzie you joey and jimmy and everyone else at the table can join my table. It's one of the big ones in the middle." Joel said as he walked up to me.

"Sure, I'll ask" I said and walked to my table and asked "Do you want to go sit with Joel?"

Joey answered first "Sure, it'll be nice to have more people to talk to."

Jimmy just groaned and stood. We all went looking for the table. We found it eventually and sat. Jimmy went back to his nap not touching his food. Joey is talking to a boy named Grian I think, Joel's brother, and me and Joel had our chat. "Did you really mean it?" Joel asked me.

I nodded "Yeah. Why would I lie? That would be plain mean"

"I don't think you would, i just wanted to make sure" He responded. He is acting like a dork right now, but it's kinda cute. I blame Jimmy for me thinking dorks are cute. I looked over at Jimmy, asleep. "Is he alright"

"He's stupid is what he is," I said looking back at Joel.

"What'd he do?" Joel asked, he sounded worried.

"He's sick, but because Scott was going to be here he didn't want to stay home, and he didn't want to bother Aunt Hazel by calling her, and our parents won't pick him up either" I started on a rant.

Joel just smiled and laughed. "Wow. Can I ask why your parents won't pick him up though?"

"They won't because they don't think it's their responsibility because he lives with our aunt." I continued with my rant. "Am I bothering you with this?"

"Not at all, keep going if you want" Joel answered instantly.

So I did, for the rest of lunch I was just ranting about my parents and Jimmy, mainly going in circles but Joel kept asking questions and laughing, not complaining at all.

A/N again not flower husbands but who cares? This is cute

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