chapter 19 the eternal fight

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A/N the next few chapters will be more than one pov

Aeors pov
"Good job my champion, now he can fight the corruption without feeling the pain." I whispered to my champion Scott.

He's the perfect champion, even if he is only a teenager. He does everything he needs to do. It is a shame though, he will have to fight the brother he loves so dearly. I whispered to my champion "once the job is done you will get the one you desire most" I felt his spirit lift and he opened the book I told him to find. He left his brother there on the ground. I'm glad he knows that his brother is evil. It will make it less hard for him to fight him.

Exors pov
"Already failing? How dare you!" I yelled in the unconscious mind of my champion. No answer. "Just let the corruption take over then everything will be fine and this time you will feel no pain."

Still no answer so i began the corruption process. His pale elf skin now black and filled with glowing cuts. His hair once pure magenta now a silky white with only a streak of magenta. Large horns protruding from his hair and his eyes once a nice clean purple now a glowing crisp pink flowing into magenta.

He is now perfect. He's unwanted, unloveable, unneeded, perfect. Now when morning comes he will be found and he will be gone from his home with a heart so bitter he'll follow wanting revenge on those who wronged him. He'll miss what he referred to as a normal life going to school seeing him but he is blindly in love. I will have double the puppets, double the power and double the evil. This time I will come out on top.

Xornoths pov
I awoke to the sound of screaming. A woman screaming and a crowd gathering around her. I stood up and everyone backed away. "What are you! Who are you!" Voices screamed from every direction.

I looked down at myself. A freak. "I am Prince Xornoth Major, the champion of Exor." I said but it felt like it wasnt me. The people went quiet. I noticed my voice sounded distorted, demonic, nothing like how it should. I felt as if fire was flowing through my body, but I could not show any pain right now so I stood strong.

Scott walked to me and looked at me. He sighed and pointed to the outskirts of Rivendell "Leave and don't come back. You are evil and don't belong here."

My heart shattered in pieces as I was told I didn't belong in my home empire. My eyes went wide but the voice came back. "Do as told but don't let them get away." I nodded. My father could be seen tearing through the crowd of people with a look of pure rage on his face.

"XORNOTH MAJOR!" My old man screamed.

I simply bowed in response. "I failed you but now you have your perfect son, Scott" I stood up straight and started to walk off. The people quickly moved out of the way.

A man screamed out "THE GROUND!" I didn't dare to look back at the ground but I did look a bit down to see the ground dying under my step. I did know where I was going until I heard the loud creak of the stable opening and the loud voices of the guards. They yelled at the people to go home and get out of the way. They are coming for me. I began to run and I didn't stop. It was like I would never get tired. After running for maybe hours i feel my hands hit the ground and it corrupted all around me. It made me feel stronger. I will not let them get away with what they've done.

Scotts pov

I feel awful that Xornoth is gone and it's my own fault. Lauren won't talk to me and now the only ones who will talk to me are my father, my mother and Jimmy. I picked up my phone and called jimmy.

The phone didn't even ring once before "Hey?"

"Hey Jimmy, do you wanna meet up? I need someone to talk to"

"Of course I'm really bored. Where should we meet up?" hearing voice started to calm me down

"Anywhere you want dear" I said with a smile.

Jimmys pov

"Anywhere you want dear" Scott responded to me. That one word broke me.

I just babbled some nonsense well Scott laughed until Scott said "Lets just met up at Central Park"

"Ok" I hung up the phone right after I spoke. I started getting ready to leave when lizzie walked into my room.

"Whatta doing?" She asked me

"Getting ready" I responded then ignored her.


"A date now go away" Telling her that was a big mistake.

Lizzie was so excited by this news "You are!? You have to let me help you get ready!"

"No. I have to leave soon and if you help I'll be late" I responded

"Fine" She drugout her words.

"Good now leave" I shooed her out of our room.

I finished getting ready and started walking667

A/N This took me 2 day to make and now i am dead inside ✨

 Maybe happy ever after does exist.   Flower Husbands high school auWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu