Chapter 20 the final battle

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Jimmys pov

I met up with Scott at the park to see him playing with a few kids at the playground. "Hey Scott" I waved at him

"Hey Jimmy, wanna play with us? We're playing sandman" Scott said with a big smile. A few other kids looked over at me with begging expressions.

"Sure, who's it?" I asked as I ran over to the playground and  tried to jump up onto the monkey bars. I failed and landed on the ground.

"Jimmy!" Scott yelled in a panic as he jumped down and ran over to me.

"SANDMAN!" one of the kids yelled. The young girl started to chase us.

I jumped up and pushed Scott towards the girl and started running. Scott yelled at me "How dare you!" He said as he started running from the girl.

The girl tagged him and Scott started his turn being it. He started spinning around while counting "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10" He stopped spinning but he wasn't all that still i laughed as i hopped on the monkey bars.

Xornoths Pov

I'm really starting to like this place. It's nowhere near as cold as Rivendell and there's a nice view of the park. Lots of kids keep pointing over here from afar but it doesn't surprise me this place is a pocket of corrupted land but it's my home now. Is that Scott and Jimmy? It kinda looks like them but it can't be right? Scotts grounded and would probably have to be in a meeting of sorts because he's probably the new heir but it might be Jimmy. That's when his voice came back. "Everything will fall into place.Now go, get your revenge on the one whom banished you"

I started running, going into a full sprint to the playground. Many kids screamed and ran off. Jimmy was shell shocked and Scott had the spirit of Aeor in his eyes.  I just wanted to punch him in the face. I could see Jimmy pull out his phone and pull it to his ear as if calling someone. Once I got close Scott shot some ice at me. It doesn't do much and I go to him. I tackled him to the ground sand from the playground getting in his face. We were fighting on the ground for about ten minutes before Gem, Pearl, Joey, Katherine and Shrub were all here. Scott managed to push me off him and get far enough away when Gem shot me with some sort of spell.

Next thing I knew I was in a red empty void but I could hear them. Joey wanted to see the crystal "Please just let me see him!"

"Joey, no. We can't trust you to hold it." Scott. As much as I still want to love him i can't not anymore.

"I don't need to hold it, I just want to see him one last time. Please, I need to see him. I loved- no I love him! Let me see him!" Joey again, it made me smile.

"Scott, maybe he should see him." Pearl maybe?

"Yeah Joey deserves to at least see him" Shrub?
"Fine Joey" Scott again. I felt the void move but not much.

The sounds started to muffle. Time started to pass. My power began to grow.

It could have been a few days or a few months. I have no clue. All I know is that the crystal cracked. I was in the ice caves in Rivendell. I began to walk through the cave. I knew the way through it so getting out was easy. That's when I saw him. Scott. I easily got into a circle which he is unable to get out of.

(I am to lazy to look up the speech and cant remember it by heart sorry)

"Now you have nothing you have no one"

"That's where you're wrong. I have this"

"What are you going to do with it? You can't kill me with it. You're stuck in there"

"See that's the difference between us. I finally know what I need to do to protect my friends.I know I've made mistakes and I've hurt people but I've always tried my best. I don't need you in here to kill you when i'm right here"

 Maybe happy ever after does exist.   Flower Husbands high school auOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora