Chapter 7 the date Xornoths pov

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"I can't believe I'm already admitting this, but I like you, as well Jimmy." Scott blurted out, he didn't notice me walking down the steps. My jaw dropped. Scott loved Jimmy and he said as well, which means Jimmy loves Scott too. A million thoughts ran through my head. Jimmy saw me and froze. Scott turned to look and panicked "Xornoth... why no, NO you weren't meant to see this"

"Scott calm down, i won't tell anyone" I said calming down, I cant have Scott in this state someone will hear. That can't happen.

Scott slowly calmed down. Good he's a bit more calm.

"Lizzie can't know, okay?" Jimmy was calm. Too calm, his voice had a threatening tone in it. 

"Lizzie can't know" I repeated trying not to show my fear. He's small but scary. "I'm heading out for my date with Joey" I said quickly and loud enough. I walked out as fast as possible without running. This isn't where I want to be right now. I continued walking for a bit. I saw Joey sitting on a bench near the Rivendell library. I waved to him

"Took you long enough" he rolled eyes and stood up.

"Sorry I needed to re-braid my hair," I said proudly, flicking my hair to show it off. I really like my hair. It's a nice magenta. It's long and thick and I keep up with it so it isn't greasy. I know Joey likes it too.

"Ugh you're soooooo lucky i like the way your hair looks braided" He sounded annoyed but had a big grin on his face "Just come on, you said we could go to the flower garden right?" He didn't wait for my response and grabbed my wrist and started walking.

"Yes i did say that but know that you don't need to drag me everywhere right? It makes my back hurt when I have to bend down like this all the time" I said, dragging out my words to annoy Joey. I could tell it had worked when he let go.

"You are such a drama queen you know?" Joey said. He was lying he was the real drama queen, but he's hot so he gets a pass. He made us both basically run the entire way to the garden. I had to stop for a second to breathe before continuing but Joey didn't stop, he kept going. I ran all the way to the garden. Joey wasn't there. I know Joey he's hiding in the peonies. I started to look for him when I felt snow starting to fall.  "I think i'm just going to go home, Joey clearly just left me" I tried to sound sad, i think i did a good good but who knows, not me. I started to walk to the enterice of the garden to make it seem like I was leaving. Joey jumped out onto me pushing my back into the stream. It hurt like hell but I laughed, I don't want Joey to feel bad. He laughed and helped me up. "Thanks, now I'm soaked" I rolled my eyes and smiled. Joey helped me up and look at my with sad eyes

"I'm sorry" he sounded so sad and sorry. I have to forgive him.

"Alright, I forgive you" I said smiling at Joey. Our dates always go this well.

A/N hello i know this is short and not at all flower husbands but idc and i wanted to make some Xornoth x Joey Bye

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