Chapter 6 Scott's pov

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"No you will never be able to say that, me and Scott will never date like i've said to you a million times, I AM NOT GAY." Jimmy was getting mad. Xornoth looked surprised. I didn't know what to say so I just went quiet.

"Well bye" Lizzie turned and started to walk awayI have a feeling this will be one awkward walk.

I think I should continue holding him, even if he doesn't, won't, can't ever love me back, that won't stop me from loving him. Maybe i could talk to Gem to make him, no that would just be cruel, i won't make him love me just hope one day he does.

Time skip to Rivendell. Nothing happened on the walk.

I could feel Jimmy shivering in my arms. "Jimmy you good?"

"Yeah just a bit cold" Jimmy clearly wasn't a bit cold even if that's what he was saying.

"We probably should have prepared you for the cold before we came, we can hurry" Xornoth spoke for the first time in about 20 minutes.

Jimmy nodded and I squeezed him harder and started walking faster.

We eventually made it home. I put Jimmy down and opened the door. Jimmy bolted into the house, no surprise. His face was red and it looked a bit puffy like a rash. "Jimmy, you look like you're having an allergic reaction right now." I heard Xoroth laugh and Jimmy sounded annoyed.

"It's just from the cold. It's normal for me." Jimmy acted if it was nothing. This cant be normal even if he isn't used to the cold this cant be normal.

"So i think we should talk about what you said to lizzie" I need to know why he was so rude to his sister. Xornoth walked past us and up the stairs to his room.

"I know it came off kinda rude but I just- i don't know how to explain it." Jimmy said annoyed, he clearly didn't want to talk about it. "She's right but I just haven't told her yet" I was visibly shocked. Maybe just maybe he will love me.

"Why not? She clearly would accept you." I said trying to reason with Jimmy.

"It's not Lizzie I'm worried about, it's my parents, and as much as I love Lizzie she can't keep her mouth shut to save her life." Jimmy clearly wanted to move on from the topic but I wasn't about to let that happen.

"Then why are you telling me? We just met, how do you know I won't tell Lizzie?" I just met him. Why does he trust me?

I saw Jimmy blush a bit as he stopped looking at me. He was now staring at the floor. "Well, that would because, well because I like you Scott, there I said it, happy."

Neither of us noticed but Xornoth came back down the stairs. His jaw was on the floor as he watched.
"I can't believe I'm already admitting this, but I like you, as well Jimmy." I blurted out before noticing Xornoth.

A/N Hello  i know it's short and ends on a cliffhanger but i am almost out of time and won't want to do this later bc when writing it's Halloween, Yay so anyways goodbye

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