chapter 18 Midnight Xornoths pov

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TW: blood

I haven't fallen asleep yet and don't plan to. I just need to stay awake for a bit longer until everyone is asleep and won't notice me getting up. I want to help Scott with the voice he's been hearing. I heard it again. "Welcome it my champion, it will all fall into place soon" It was Exor. No doubt. Shit. what now. He said champion that means. I got up and almost ran to Scotts room. I opened the door and shook him awake.

"Mmm. What do you want." his eyes were half lidded and his voice dry and tired.

"The voice came back it was Exor and he said i was his champion" I said in a panicked voice

He sat up and looked at me. "Xornoth" he paused. "Have you seen yourself?" He sounded afraid

"No? I want to help you with the voice" i respond

He got up and we walked through the house and out the door. "I was told to follow the trail to its both ends but I don't know what trail" Scott said as he yawned. He definitely is still waking up.

"Probably the trail that runs through all of Rivendell. What about me looks different?" I slipped a little as I spoke. Scott caught me but hesitated a bit before doing so.

"Your skin has some" He paused and looked forward at the path. "Black patches with cuts in them"

"Oh" I didn't know how to respond. The walk to the trail was quiet until we came to it. "Do you want to split up and go opposite ways or stick together?"

"Stay together,I forgot my phone so it's better to just stay together." Scott said. He sounded a bit more awake now.

"Ok what way first then?" I asked Scott. Scott pointed left and started walking with me following behind.

"Xornoth how to do think mom and dad are going to react to your" he paused probably not wanting to sound rude. "Your new look"

"Not sure, but I don't even really know how I look. Only you do" I responded as we walked. We came to the trail end.

"Now we just need to keep going, that's what Aeor told me to do '' Scott said looking forward to the rough terrain that surrounded the outside of Rivendell.

"Then what are you waiting for?" I asked as I walked forward slipping on the jagged rocks I caught myself but I had a large cut on my hand. "I'm good" I said with a voice filled with pain as I stood up. I looked down at my hand to see the damage. My hand grew black as I looked at it. The cut grew a bright pink as the blood stopped flowing.

I looked at Scott whose eyes went wide as he kept walking. "Xornoth what are you going to do?" He didn't sound concerned, he sounded cold.
"I'm gonna do as I was told, what else can I do?" I responded. Suddenly I felt a major pain in my head. I stopped walking and held my hands to my head gripping hard trying to stop the pain.

Scott turned around to see why I wasn't walking. He saw the pain in my eyes. He ran toward me and tackled me. My head hit a sharp rock and I was knocked out instantly.

A/N i know i said id get some chapters out during winter break but i couldn't bring myself to touch my computer bc i was to lazy sorry bye bye

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