Chapter 9 Ice magic Gems pov

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I  saw Scott running towards me with FWhip chasing him. Strange but it's Scott and FWhip so it's not out of charter for either of them.
"Gem, I need your help" Scott yelled as he got close. He sounded so out of breath.
"With?" I asked Scott. FWhip ran towards Scott.

"Well. me and lizzie made a trade and i got some boots with frost walker on them and even after i took them off ice was being formed in water i was near and then a ice spike formed as i was walking. Xornoth told me you could help." Scott was talking so fast I could barely understand him.

"Okay Scott will help, but start over but go slower." I said calmly and slowly. The only thing I truly understood was that Xornoth told him to come to me for help.

"Me and Lizzie made a trade. I got frost walker boots but even after I took them off nothing happened. Water still froze even after. And an ice spike formed when I took a step. Xornoth had to melt it. He told me to come here and find you" Scott was still speaking fast but it was understandable. FWhip was shocked.

"Lizzie's that new girl at school right?" FWhip asked me and Scott. I nodded.
"So you randomly got ice magic from frost walker boots?" I asked the scottish cyan haired boy. He nodded. "I don't know much about randomly occurring magic but I'll try. FWhip you can go back to Grimland. You can dye your hair alone by now." I tried to sound reassuring, possibly failing but I tried.

Scott followed me inside Crystal Cliffs Academy. I put some water on the floor and it froze instantly. "Now try to unfreeze it" I instructed Scott.

"Gem, I can't."

"Just try"

"I can't"



Ice went everywhere it hit and I fell. A piece of my hair fell in my face. It turned white before my eyes. The ice pushed me back and blocked me into a corner

"No, why did I come here? I always hurt people. Why did I think this was a good idea? I'm sorry" (I don't know this line by heart and am too lazy to go look for it). Scott said he sounded like he was about to cry. I couldn't look at him as I was running out. I heard him fly off. FWhip came in looking confused.

"Why did Scott look so–" FWhip froze when he saw me. I couldn't move. "That freak." I heard FWhip mumble as ran to me. I wanted to tell him to take that back but couldn't. He slammed his fist into the ice breaking a chunk off but cutting his fist.

"FWhip... You're hurting yourself stop" I said i know it wasn't loud maybe it wasn't even loud enough for FWhip to hear. He completely ignored me and broke more of the ice. He pulled me up.

"Are you okay?" FWhip asked. He was worried. I smiled at him. His eyes darted to my strand of now white hair. "What the hell did Scott do." FWhip was now pissed.

"It was an accident he didn't mean to." I said, trying to make FWhip more calm but failed. Xornoth walked into Crystal Cliffs Academy .

"I was going to ask if Scott was still here, but now. I need to ask what he did." Xornoth asked, confused and concerned.

"FWhip will fill you in. I need to go speak to Lizzie". I said it was a bit too cold and FWhip threw me a glare. I walked out leaving FWhip and Xornoth by themselves. I flew off healing towards the Ocean Empire. I continued flying for a bit. Until I saw a line of ice. I flew down to get a better look at the ice. It looked thin and unable to hold anything on top. This was from Scott. I continued following the ice witch made it a lot easier to find the Ocean Empire. I started going from lily pad to lily pad looking for Lizzie. I asked some residents if they had seen the princess. No one had. It was getting dark so I decided that I should head home. Feeling defeated, I took off for home.

When I landed I saw FWhip and Xornoth still there. FWhip was messing with his freshly dyed cyan hair.

"Did you find out what you needed?" FWhip asked me. I shock my head.

"I'll see her monday. I'll just ask them. I'm going home. You two should too." I said and heard the boys complain under their breath. "I can hear you" I didn't care though i was tired and wanted to sleep. I walked home. I headed up the stairs and to my room. I took off my hat and put it on my nightstand. Took off my shoes and didn't feel like changing so I layed down. I fell asleep rather quickly.

A/N omg 4 in 2 days i really need a life :D

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