Chapter 1: the new kids 3rd person following Lizzie

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Jimmy walked down the hall looking at all the door numbers looking side to side for room 142 next to his sister doing the same for room 138. "Oh lizzie that's my home room see you later" Jimmy said while walking away from his sister.

"Ok see you" Lizzie waved to Jimmy and continued walking.

"Hey there~" A short guy said looking up at Lizzie.

"Hi im Lizzie" she stopped walking to see a guy who couldn't be taller than 5 '4 looking up at her. 

The short boy blushed a bit upon hearing Lizzie's voice. Lizzie saw him blush and giggled a bit. The minute bell rang which made the boy look disappointed and Lizzie nervous. "You good?" the short boy asked lizzie.

"I'm not sure if I can find my class in time" Lizzie said, starting to look at the door numbers again. Lizzie tried walking away but the small boy stopped her.

"What room?" The boy asked lizzie.


"I'm going there to just follow me" The boy said proudly and began walking with Lizzie right behind Until they make it to the class and the boy sits down while Lizzie walked up to the teacher. The teacher points to a seat next to the boy and Lizzie go's to sit down. "Oh nice we get to sit next to each other" the boy looked super happy about this.

"Yeah. you never told me your name" Lizzie looks at the boy like she needs his name.

"Oh sorry my name's Joel" he looks at Lizzie for a moment till the bell rings for the start of class.

The teacher got up from his desk and before he started teaching he walked up to Lizzie and gave her a packet "This Is Elizabeth our new student treat her with respect" he gestured to Lizzie if she wanted to add anything.

"Just call me Lizzie" She smiled at a few kids  who turned to look at her

"Ok this is Lizzie then" the teacher corrected himself and walked to the white board and began teaching a SEL lesson (SEL= social emotional learning).

Lizzie wasn't paying too much attention to the lesson, instead reading the packet about past lessons about Mr Ryde she learned that was his name she continued reading her packet she was given. The bell rang and she put the packet in her backpack and stood up and started to walk out the classroom.

A/N hello im just writing this for fun so i can't guarantee how long or how often new chapters will come and this my first story so I truly don't know what i'm doing

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