Chapter 5 Lizzie's pov

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Chapter 5 Lizzie pov

"Xoronth are you sure you are okay?" I know I sound worried I don't care,he looks like he's about to pass out.

"Yeah I'm sure, Lizzie, you are being more paranoid than Joey." He laughed at me while he spoke. HE LAUGHED! AT ME!

"Yea Joey are you okay? You are quiet, I know we just met but even i know something is wrong" I looked over to Joey. Impossible to read.

"I'm fine just worried about Xornoth" He said and just shrugged it off.

"Ok stop being worried im fine, if anything you should be worried about Jimmy." Xornoth laughed as he spoke.

I shot a glare at him. I was trying to not worry about Jimmy. Finally Scott and Jimmy came back and I froze. Jimmy was scratched up, he had a few bruises and he was limping. "Jimmy! What happened!" I don't care, I'm yelling, I'm worried.

"I got a little behind and the kids who hurt Xornoth found me" Jimmy said like it was normal. I sigh and walk over to Jimmy picking him up like a doll. "Lizzie! Put me down!" He was yelling at me.

"You know lizzie i wouldn't mind holding Jimmy" Scott smirked as he spoke. I saw Jimmy look even angrier.
Like the good big sister I am , I hand my younger brother over to the blue haired Scottish boy who I am almost 100% sure Jimmy likes, even if he won't admit it.

"I hate the both of you" Jimmy whined. Joey's silents broke as he laughed at Jimmy.

"Well this is my turn, i'll see y'all tomorrow. Bye Xorny, and the rest of you" Joey turned, waved and walked off the sidewalk and onto a path leading to the Lost Empire.

"Oh and Jimmy you are going to Rivendell with me and Xoroth, you are good with that right Lizzie?" Scott asked, looking the slightest bit up at me.

"Yup, I'll let Aunt Hazel know you won't be home." I responded so he knew I was serious. Scott and Jimmy will date. I will make sure of it.

"Lizzie, I hate you so much. Don't you dare tell her Scott's my boyfriend" Jimmy barked back at me.

"Yeah Lizzie you can't say that, not yet~" the blue haired boy said with his eyes locked onto Jimmy.

"No you will never be able to say that, me and Scott will never date like i've said to you a million times, I AM NOT GAY." Jimmy was getting mad. Xornoth looked surprised and Scott went quiet.

"Well bye" I turned and started to walk home. Well sorry Scott that's going to be one awkward walk.

I just want to be home but i need to stop by the Cod Empire to tell aunt Hazel, Jimmy won't be home tonight.

Time skip to Aunt Hazel's house

I knocked on the door before walking in to see a slightly confused aunt Hazel.

"Hey Lizz, where's Jimmy?

"He is going to his friends" I did finger quotes on the word friends. Aunt Hazel laughed.

"Okay good to know, but what empire is he in just so i know, if needed." Her tone change shocked me a bit. Aunt Hazel could really sound like a mother if she wanted, and today she did.

"He is in Rivendell, sorry but i need to get home so bye bye" I waved and walked out. Heading home.

"Okay be safe."

I continued walking home till I made it to the dock, and hopped in my boat. Normally I would swim but I need my backpack to stay as dry as possible. I made it to the Prisma Palace. I went up the stairs to my room, put my bag down and went straight back down. I jumped into the water down to my underwater grotto. I love it down here. I got a bit to comfortable and ended up falling asleep.

A/N this I like the 5th rendition of this chapter sorry this isn't to much of flower husbands yet next chapter will be at least a bit goodbye

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