Chapter 21 the aftermath 3rd person

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Lizzie sat there freezing and crying for longer than she should have but she couldn't bring herself to go home. Not after what happened. Soon enough a crowd of guards and the high up of Rivendell gathered. They took the bodys of the elvish princes but left Lizzie to cry with her brother in her arms. Joel soon came and ran to hug Lizzie.

"Lauren told me something bad happened, I see how bad this was." The boy said as he hugged the much larger girl.

Lizzie managed to calm herself enough to speak "Scott and Xornoth too" Was all she could say through her tears.

Joel didn't know what to say. "Let's get Jim home, we shouldn't leave him here" He said with a pathetic fake smile. Lizzie nodded and stood up. Joel took Jimmy on his back. And they started to walk towards their empires. "Should we bring him to the Cod Empire of the ocean?" Joel asked Lizzie who was barely maintaining her composer.

"Cod, Aunt Hazel should know before mom and dad." Lizzie answered. She looked over at Joel but only for a second she couldn't stand to see her brother.

They walked in silence until they made it to the cod empire. The few people who saw them looked frightened. Seeing two nobles covered in blood with their future ruler on Joel's back being the ones whose blood was on them.

"Where now?" Joel asked. Lizzie finally managed to look over at Joel.

"The place of rest" Lizzie said with a sad face as she led Joel.

"What is that place?" Joel asked the taller girl.

"A place for people who suffer a fate similar to Jimmys." Lizzies tears came back as she spoke

They took Jimmy to the place of rest and sat his body against a tree. Lizzie looked down to see he had his journal bag on. It made her feel a bit at peace.

"We should go" Lizzie said to Joel as started walking towards Aunt Hazel's place

Joel followed but he didn't let them fall into silence "You said its for the people who had a similar fate to Jimmy, what does that mean exactly?"

"People who died to a blade or bow. They have earned their rest." Lizzie said as a Rivendell owl flew over and land on Joel's head barely fitting within the confines of the crown atop his head

"Umm? Hey?" Joel said to the snow white owl making a mess of his hair. The owl dropped the two letters it was holding and flew off. "Weird"

Lizzie grabbed the letter of Joel's head and gave one to him "HIs one has your name." They both read their letter Lizzies left her in tears and Joel like he just got punched in the face.
Joel grabbed Lizzies hands and spoke "I'm sure your note was nothing like mine. Everything will be okay."

Lizzie nodded but she spoke up "What did yours say? If it's nothing like mine"

"Just take it," Joel said as he handed Lizzie the letter. She wiped her tears and read it.

The note brought a smile to her face. "This is mine now..." Lizzie said as the small smile grew a tiny bit bigger. Her brother really did care about her, he just could manage to live his life without the one he loved. Lizzie understood that.

"What? Why? It's mine!" The short boy started to sound like a whiny toddler.

"As your girlfriend I get to steal your stuff" Lizzie said. She had said that a million times every time she got cold she took his hoodies even if they were a bit small on her. Joel stole her hoodies too so it evened out.

"Whatever, let's just keep going. We need to change before someone accuses us of murder" The boy still sounded like a toddler

They held a small chat as they walked. Once at Aunt Hazel's Lizzie slowly knocked and waited. "Come in!" was yelled from inside. The two walked inside. The Codmothers face dropped. "What happened!"

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