I sit in silence as she lets out a yawn rubbing her eyes. She adjusts the strap of her gown that's slipped. I notice her head turning slowly.

And when her head finally turns back she lets out a screech. "What the hell?" She reaches for my fur duvet to cover herself.

"You fucking creep! Why am I not in my room? Did you think you could just place me anywhere like some doll?" She reaches over and slaps me in the chest. I wince slightly.

"You know I knew you had some serious issues. And why did you put me in this so you could get off or something?" She moves, throws hands around as she keeps going, words I didn't even know exist fly from her plump lips.

She keeps shouting meaningless threats as I hold my hand to my naked chest and fake pout forming on my face. She snatches her bonnet, throwing it back on her now mess of a head as a brief pause and continues.

"Last time I checked, you came here with your own two feet princess." I snap. "Even now you wouldn't let me leave your side."

She quiets down mid curse and her face contorts into a face of reflection. It's like the pieces begin to bind in her memory and her face flushes in embarrassment. My face is emotionless as I stand from my bed.

"I'm going to base. Text the driver if you need to go somewhere. You know your way out the door. Or do you need me to place you there too?" I don't spare her a glance as I walk towards my bathroom. The opening and closing of my bedroom door lets me know she's gone.

After my cold shower I'd gotten dressed into gray sweats and a navy blue short sleeve throwing on the yankees cap Dominic got me. I didn't have anything to do at base but I needed to get out.

Before leaving the apartment I dig in my pocket and open my wallet throwing the black card on the counter.

11:35 am

Me: Card is on the table if you need it.

I wasn't planning on bringing her to base with me so she can spend her time shopping or whatever she does to entertain herself. Once I exit hopping into my baby, my black ferrari I drive over to base, speed limit being the least of my worries.

After a 20 minute drive I pulled into the spacious lot. Getting out of the car, I walk on the pavement into the building. The floor was concrete, cargo boxes filling up throughout the right of me and to the left of me the gym covered with a large glass window.

People run on the treadmill, pairs box in the three rings. I see the teens with Camilia, our strongest asset when it comes to connecting with the older kids who've been through unimaginable things from being rescued from child trafficking rings to being picked up off the street for a chance at a different life. Not that this life was much better but they have a roof over their heads, food and they aren't given official titles in the mafia so if they wanted to leave, they could.

I don't even have to hear her to know her voice is definitely booming through the room. She wore tight jeans and thigh high black heels, her dark brunette hair covering her back. She's analyzing their form teaching them how to handle a knife, some fumble with it but one sticks out from the learning rest, Emani. She's been here two years now and she just reminds me of myself when I was younger. Her quickness into frustration, her impulsive decisions and talent.

A small smile plants itself on my face at her concentration. Once Camilia calls a break Emani stands straight all the other kids huddling into groups and conversing amongst themselves yet she stays to herself a smile forms on her face and she waves when she spots me.

I wave and continue walking through the hall and into the glass elevator. Clicking the fourth button takes me to the third floor where the offices were. Walking down the hallway I knock on a wooden door of the office placed next to my spare one.

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