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Jai'Or Leslie Green POV
OHIO | sorry for any mistakes

The sounds of a phone ringing took over my hearing causing me to open my eyes

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The sounds of a phone ringing took over my hearing causing me to open my eyes.

I don't know if i was tripping but i swear i've been hearing it for about a hour tuning in and out of my sleep.

At first glance i thought i was tripping until last night came back to me.

I know i ain't sleep in this nigga bedI thought to myself before groaning.

I had already felt the presence of somebody cuddled up behind me so i just knew it was Dru.

I flipped the cover off me before trying to get up to go home.

"Mann chill out" Dru said with his deep raspy sleepy voice tightening his grip around my waist.

A part of me liked the sound of his voice.. Like girl chill out fr !

"No im about to go home, watch out nigga" I said lowly not wanting anyone to hear me. He lifted his arm as i headed into his bathroom to pee.

After i finished i washed my hands and looked at myself in the mirror.

Now bitch you know it bet not be no hard feelingsI mouthed to my reflection in the mirror before heading back into his room.

The bathroom was inside his room so thank god for that i honestly don't know how it'll look with me leaving his room at 7:30am.

As i gathered my things and got ready to go i knew i would've had to sneak out. "Girl put yo number in my phone" Dru said with his face smothered into the pillow handing me his phone.

"Boy— Yk what ion got time" I rolled my eyes although he couldn't see me. I grabbed the phone putting my number in it before walking out.

I think everybody in the house is sleep so i guess i can calm down just a little. I tip toed down the hallway almost to the front door.

My purse just had to knock the broom over just as i was reaching for the front door.

Lord be with me!

I hurried and ran out the house hearing somebody get out the bed.

I ran down a couple of house before i started walking home.

*Incoming call from Mom*

I honestly haven't spoken to my mom since i had left. I know i should've at least checked in but i've been gone for a month now, why would she just now be calling— I questioned myself balling my face up.


"Hello? Jai'Or" My mom voiced through the phone with what sounded like an attitude in her tone.

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