Chapter 25: Misjudged Conversation

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"What the hell was that all about?" Tsukishima growled, grabbing Ishinomori by the arm and letting go when they reach a deserted area of the school. Kikyou brought her hands to her chest and stared nervously at the irritated classmate in front of her. Kei sent her a glare. "Where the hell did that question came from? And how did you know?"

"Eh? Oh about Shinobu-chan---"

"It was Yamaguchi, wasn't it?"


"I knew it."

Tsukishima's lingering rage was visible and you could tell he was ready to kill someone at that moment. Flapping her arms, Ishinomori was unsure how to stop him beheaded her beloved "Yamaguchi-kun" and to explain the reason why she asked him that question just now.

"T-Tsukishima-kun, please listen to me!" she snapped, slapping her hands on both of his cheeks to ease down his clenching jaws. It was the same technique her brother does to here whenever she panics or gets anxious.

It did the trick and Kei's eyes were all on hers, ears added. She gulped at the intensity of his golden pair, and looked down at her fidgeting hands, struggling to compose sentences or even words out of her mouth. "I-I... Trust... Promise..." she stuttered, feeling her whole body stiffen. "I-I won't tell Shinobu-chan..." she finally spurted, hoping she'd gain Tsukishima's trust.

"I-If you want... I-I'll tell you... who I like... too..." she offered but we all know she needn't to.

"Shino, it's obvious that you like Yamaguchi. There's no need for you to say it," Kei beat her to it before she could speak again.

Kikyou flinched and blushed deep red, embarrassed on how evident her feelings are. 'E-Even Tsu-Tsukishima-kun...? D-Do I really like... Y-Yamaguchi-kun?'

Tsukishima clicked his tongue and turned around. "This is stupid. I'm going back to the classroom," he announces and glanced over his shoulder at Ishinomori. "This conversation never happened, got it?"

"U-Uh, hai..."

Meanwhile, just as they were headed back to their room, Hinata who passed by and also knows the quiet area saw the two walk together. His jaw dropped upon seeing Tsukishima with a girl - a blushing girl to be exact, having the wrong impression. As he was still unrecovered from shock, he was questioned by some of his classmates when he reached their classroom.

And one was Kajiwara.

"Hinata-kun, what's up with your daze? Feel sleepy again?" the blonde asks him, tilting her head in curiosity.

Shoyo shakes his head, ruffling his spiky orange hair and looked at her. 'Oh right, Tsukishima's friends with Kajiwara-san right...?' "Kajiwara-san, do you know if Tsukishima likes someone?" he questioned out of nowhere, catching the girl by surprise.

"Eh? We never actually talk about it. Why?" She responded, growing eager.

Hinata moved his lips to the side. "Would anyone even like him?" he grunted to himself. 'That girl even has the courage to confess to him!'

"Hinata-kun, I'm asking you a question!"

"Eh? Sorry, what was that?"

Kajiwara pouted. "I'm asking about Tsukkin!"

"Tsukishima? Ah, well..." Hinata murmured, rubbing his head. "I saw him talking to a girl a while ago. They were in a secluded area, too... And it looked like she was blushing..."

"Eh? Girl? Secluded area? Blushing?" Shinobu listed; her mouth hanging as she spoke. Her eyes enlarged for a moment, and before Shoyo could respond, she already jumped in conclusions and screamed. "Someone confessed to Tsukkin?!"

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