Chapter 7: A senpai's help

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"Kageyama, wasn't that your crush?" Hinata suddenly blurted as soon as Kajiwara and Sugimoto exited the gymnasium. Of course you would imagine an enraged Tobio by then. After hearing what the orange head said, everyone's eyes turned to Kageyema who had his eyes glaring at Shoyo for dropping a personal matter.

"Hinata dumbass..." he growled and readied his hand to give his spiker a piece of mind. But before he could lay a finger at him, Sawamura stopped the was about to become a chaos and ordered them to continue practicing sets. Having no choice, Kageyama returned to setting for Hinata and the other wing spikers while wearily giving glances to Shimizu. 'Crap... with Hinata's loud voice... Shimizu-senpai must've heard that...'

The manager, of course noticed this, for she was observing the first-year setter who was repeatedly scolded by Sugawara for not maintaining the accuracy of his tosses. During break time, she approached her kohai and assured him that she won't tell a soul about his admiration towards Hisano, especially to her. "Don't worry, I won't tell her your secret" she showed him a nice smile to ease up his nervousness.

"R-Really? T-Thank you so much, senpai!" thanked the setter in gratefulness. He smiled with his lips shaping into a zigzag line and had the urge to hug his manager in appreciation but was already called by Tanaka to run laps around. 'I'm relieved...'

After practice, the players were directed to do their stretching and then to head home. By default, Tsukishima and Yamaguchi went home together; with Hinata and Kageyama running pass them, still having the energy to race. "Sometimes I just wished they run out of energy so they could collapse and not produce a single sound" Kei wished, growing irritated towards his teammates.

"Hinata dumbass! You're not going to get away with this!" Kageyama tackled the short middle blocker down, grabbing his torso and stumble on the dusty ground.

"What's your problem, Kageyama? It's true that you like her, isn't it? I caught you trying to confess to her in the classroom!"

"I wasn't trying to confess to her dammit! I can barely talk to her!"

"Wait what-" Hinata stared at his partner for a while before bursting out into laughter. That hit anerve in Kageyama's head making him strangled the poor Shoyo in his hands, almost choking him to death. "Just because you had a date with your crush doesn't give you the right to laugh at us cowards!!!" he hollered. If only Sugawara and Sawamura didn't pass by, then Hinata would've passed out in Tobio's grasp for he was being shaken violently.

The two third years pulled their kohais apart and let them kneel in front of them with Daichi doing the interrogation to the two. "Alright, who started it?" the two's index finger immediately pointed at each other as the inquiry was shot. The Karasuno captain sighed, concluding that they'll get to nowhere with this so he changed his question, "Sorry, I meant - Kageyama, why were you strangling Hinata a while ago?" he asked, turning to the king of the court who flinched, looking away.

"Just tell him Kageyama. Daichi won't kill you or anything" Suga assured, being a kind senpai as always. Kageyama glanced at him skeptically before muttering something that they couldn't understand; they had to lean closer to hear. "What did you say?" and there it is again, some deep voice murmuring like he was chanting an evil curse. Because of that, Hinata was the one who did the talk for Kageyama wasn't good with explaining.

"Kageyama jumped at me for blurting out his crush was that girl Kiyoko-san was talking to earlier. And then I told him hiding it was useless because I already knew it since I caught him almost confessing to the girl but then he corrected me that he can't talk to the girl without stuttering so I laughed at him" he explained in one breath causing him to get clawed at the head by Tobio once again.

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