Chapter 18: Cold Weather

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Inside the Kajiwara flower shop, there sat our heroine Shinobu, staring at the window as tiny rain droplets slid down onto the frame. She stared at them in a daze, wondering when the rain will stop. She really hated it whenever the rainy season arrived. One of the reasons is there's no school she so she won't be able to see her beloved Tadashin and Tsukkin. 

But one advantage it brought: they're able to close their store in a much earlier hour because of lack of customers entering. It was only four o'clock when her mother decided to call it a day. "Shinobu, come on, we're closing up." Called her mother's voice, pulling her back to reality.

"H-Hai!" she pushed herself off the stool she sat on, and went to fix the scattered notes, scraps and pens on the counter, closing up the cash register. 

Her mother started to bring down the steel covers of their shop while she transferred their flowers to their storage room designated for the flowers to keep on blooming. She hit the lights off, locking the store's front door and started to head upstairs, where their home was built above their shop.

"Man, the rain's not stopping." Mrs. Kajiwara commented, staring up the sky from the window. "Well it can't be helped. I wonder what the weather is over where Papa is staying," She smiles at her daughter.

"Oh, you're right." Shinobu smiled at the poodle covered ground. "I wonder..."

'Papa, I wonder how is he?' "By the way mama-"

The Tsukishima family, excluding Akiteru who was away for college, rushed over to the hospital after receiving a sudden call from Shinobu who was crying over at the other line as she spoke. 

"A-Auntie, U-Uncle... I-I'm sorry for calling out of the blue... It's just... Oka-san... she's... she's..." the moment they heard her sobbing, they didn't question what happened and drove off to the hospital as soon as possible. 

Kei tagged along after hearing it was Shinobu who was crying on the phone. He and his parents dashed to the nurse's station asking for Kajiwara Shiori's whereabouts that led them heading to the emergency room where they saw Shinobu sitting on a chair at the waiting area.

"Shinobu-chan!" Tsukisihma Kara hugged her daughter-like girl. "Are you okay? Oh look at you! You're soaked! Honey, get her a towel from the car will you?" she requested his husband.

"Sure thing."

Kei watched as his crush cried in his mother's arms, failing to explain straightly what happened. "Oka-san... Oka-san suddenly collapsed... I... I didn't know what to do..." Shinobu whimpered, unstable in Kara's arms. 

Concerned filled the boy's features as Kara releases Shinobu from her grasp, telling her it's gonna be okay and her mother's going to be well soon. The woman left the two teenager's for a moment while she excuses herself to go talk to a doctor.

Tsukishima stood there quietly, only hearing Kajiwara's soft sobs with a mix of hiccups of her agony. "Hey..." Kei encased her in a hug, not minding her damped clothes, involving his to get soaked as well. He let her cry on his chest, rubbing her back soothingly, whispering that it'll all be okay.

"Shinobu-chan," Kei's father returned with a fresh new towel and a clean set of clothes. "Here, dry yourself with this and change," He handed it to the girl who peeked at the duffel bag containing her needs. She blushed when she opened it, shutting it immediately.


"Ah, well... I also put some of Kara's underwear for you to borrow too... Thought you needed it as well..." Mr. Tsukishima rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, the blush on his cheeks noticeable as his son sent him a not amused look.

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