Chapter 5: Points Earned

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“Man, I didn’t know you like sweets this much” Hinata reacted as he stares three plastic bags hanging from Shimazaki’s arms while they walked around the mall, eating candies. “It’s also lunch, you sure you’d be able to keep your appetite when we get food?” Minami just nodded happily at his question. He sighed. ‘If I didn’t stop her, she might’ve emptied the whole store already…’ he exaggerated.

As they entered a fast food restaurant, two tall figures happened to pass by, one being Hinata’s classmate, Kajiwara. She spotted the ginger ordering some food with his date that led her dragging Tsukishima behind a cut-out stand just outside the store. “Oi Shinobu, what do you think you’re doing?” Tsukishima furrowed his eyebrows at her while her eyes focused on Hinata and Shimazaki.

“I see! So that’s the girl Hinata-kun was talking about!” she ogled with excitement.

“What are you talking abo—”

“Man! It must be great to go out with someone!”

Tsukishima glared at Kajiwara, comically. “Aren’t we out right now?” he stated the obvious.

“Eh? You’re right” The blonde realized.

“I thought you wanted to buy something from that accessory shop?” Tsukishima grabbed the back of her collar and dragged her away from there before she could even stalk the two.

With her taken care of, Hinata and Shimazaki spent their lunch together mirthfully, enjoying the company of each other. They often took fries from another’s tray, whipped ketchup at each other’s nose, and even snap a funny picture of each other while eating messily with goofy faces on screen. Shimazaki smiled at her current wallpaper, while Hinata sat across her, gobbling on his burger.

‘I’m glad I agreed to go on this date…’ she didn’t feel any regret of coming with Hinata at all. In fact, her perception about the lad became a bit friendlier. She had no idea it was this fun hanging out with the ginger.

The only thing that set her downcast today was when their date came to an end. Their last stop was by the station where Shimazaki said goodbye to her courter, holding the plastic bag filled with candies and the bouquet she received at the beginning of the date.

She gave one last glance to the boy, seeing him jump in joy for their date was a success. The first person whom Hinata called was his senpai Tanaka, who congratulated him in pleasing his girl. Next, he dialed Kajiwara’s number which was out of reach since she didn’t bring her mobile with her in going to a retirement center to visit hers and Tsukishima’s grandfathers.

That’s the date they settled with when they came out of the flower shop. She and he were currently engaged into the race their grandparents’ participated in.

“Go Tono-chan! Beat the hell out of Nobu!” cheered Tsukishima the old, raising a flag for his pet turtle; same with Kajiwara the elder who was shouting at his snail Nobu that was being left behind by the sea creature.

“Go, go Nobu-chan! You can finish the race!” Shinobu supported her grandpa’s pet while Tsukishima just stood there blankly.

“Oji-san, your dentures are gonna fall off if you keep on shouting…”

“Kei you moron! Cheer for your pet dammit!”

“That’s your pet, not mine” Chop. Kei Tsukishima was hit by a crane his grandfather held. He rubbed his head in pain and sends a glare at his old man. “What was that for, oldie?” he growled, picking another fight with his elderly. He can be a disrespectful child at times.

“Tsukkin! Don’t talk to you grandfather like that!” Kajiwara was the next one who hit him at the head, more lightly though. She then turned to his grandfather and bowed with an apology. “I’m sorry for your grandson. He didn’t mean to talk you in that way” Tsukishima the elderly blinked at the girl in amazement then turned to the young Kei.

“Oi Kei, make sure she becomes your wife okay? Any other woman that would be married to you shall never be accepted by yours truly”

“I don’t need your acceptance on however my bride will be”

Another hit.

“This is why you get bumps every time we visit here” Shinobu commented, unaffected with what Tsukishima the elder had said. She never imagined her friend having romantic feelings with anyone. Yet, as she looks at her grandfather, she can tell the old man wanted the boy to have some for her. ‘What they want is impossible, Tsukkin and I are only friends…’ she thought, sweat dropping. She gazed the quiet Tsukishima who just stared Tono who already won the race.

“Alright Nobu-chan!” cheered Kajiwara the elder even if the snail was already beaten. The old man was very simple-minded because of his age. He then turned to Tsukishima, giving an ok sign and some sparkles around. “You now have my blessing, Keima-kun”

‘Keima-kun…?’ Tsukishima wondered.

“It’s just Kei, grandma” Kajiwara corrected.

The day passed, filled with bonding and jokes from the two elders. Tsukishima getting picked on by his own grandfather, and continuously received hits because of his sarcastic remarks and wits. Shinobu had to press an ice bag on his head making her grandfather approve of them even more. As they were headed out to go home, Kajiwara the elder whispered something to Tsukishima.

“You’re now in the top spot of the list of guys I like for Nobu-chan”

“The snail?”

“Silly! My granddaughter of course! You just beat Tadashin who’s now in number 2!”

“I thought I only had the blessing?”

Purple lines appeared on Tsukishima the more he conversed with Shinobu’s grandfather. He then said goodbye to avoid more weird topics, and followed after Kajiwara who checked out from the visitor’s counter.

“What did Oji-chan tell you?” asked the girl curiously.

“Dunno” shrugged the megane casually.

The two of them started to walk home with Kei noticing the smile on Shinobu’s face. ‘It’s good that she had fun today…’ he thought, staring ahead the road.

“Oh, I forgot! I’ve got to buy something for my sister!” Kajiwara suddenly remembered something.  “Sorry, Tsukkin, you can go ahead” she says and was about to run off when her wrist was latched by someone’s hand. Obviously, it was none other than Tsukishima himself who locked eyes with her when he pulled her back.

“I’ll go with you” he stated.

“E-Eh? But it’s already getting late… I don’t want you to-”

“I’m the one who dragged you out so it’s obligatory that I have to walk you back”


The girl blinked and blushed at the same time. “You don’t have to…” she murmured but he paid no attention to that. He led the way to the convenience store where they usually go to.

It turns out her sister ran out of napkin because it was her time of the month. Shinobu was beyond embarrassed when she told Kei about it. But he was used to it so he didn’t mind. He even treated her ice cream on the way home and by that,

 The blessings from the Kajiwara clan may have been in his favor after all. 

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