32. Bad dream

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Mridula's POV

I could hear a quiet rustling somewhere in this darkness. I turned around and there was nothing.

A chill ran through me when I noticed myself in the middle of a forest...all alone!

The darkness made it difficult to find a path out of here. A twig snapped to my right, making me shiver in anxiety...

Where am I...?

I could hear the faint sound of footsteps approaching. They turned into a crescendo.

I should have stayed there and waited for that person but something inside me yelled that this place was trouble. My legs seemed to move on their own accord, drifting me away from there.

The dry leaves rustled under my feet as I broke into a sprint in the opposite direction. I didn't even know if I was finding my way out or getting myself deep into this mess!

I felt leaves and branches brush and graze on different parts of my body but I didn't stop.

I heard a gun firing in the background and then everything turned silent. I could feel someone's gaze on me but I kept running, ignoring my pounding heart and tired legs.

Black dots flashed in front of my eyes but I kept going. I glanced back and there was nothing behind me but I could still hear the approaching dread.

I hurried in the other direction but the uneven forest ground slowed me down. I swallowed hard to alleviate the dryness of my throat.

I had to get out of here!

I took one step ahead but found myself falling as my feet tangled with one surface root.

A scream left my lips as I waited for the impact. Rather I felt hands on my waist steading me. The figure loomed over me as I craned my head up

The slight relief died down as I stared up.

"You can't run from me, wife!"

I jerked awake with a gasp. I found myself still on the sofa. I shook my head to ease the anxiety.

It was just a bad dream, Mridula!

I drew in a deep breath as my eyes fell on the bed...or should I say my marriage bed. A tired smile crossed my lips at seeing the condition of the former beautifully decorated bed.

Now, it seems like it suffered in the hands of a hurricane.

I glanced at the clock to find it was already three in the morning. Relief seeped through my veins knowing that my so-called husband had still not showed up.

I clutched my lehenga and walked to the bath. I stared at myself in the mirror once I slid the door close.

The realization of whatever had happened became even more evident as I removed my jewelry pieces. My eyes gazed at the red vermillion on my forehead and then at the sacred nuptial chain tied on my neck. Nothing was sacred about this situation!

This marriage isn't a happy one. And I will always be reminded of the truth of it...all of this was to save him!

My shoulders slumped in tiredness and my entire body ached. My nerves were finally getting to me.

I wanted to hop in under the warm shower but then my eyes landed on the huge bathtub near the shower cubicle.

And I decided that a warm bath would be better than a warm shower. As I walked closer to the tub, I noticed all the bathing essentials kept on a small round table by the side.

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