12.Power Couple

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Mridula's POV

So, we are back in Delhi. It was Leela's decision and their wedding is officially canceled...that is what Leela is saying. She has not told us the real reason and left for work as soon as we reached home.

I have also decided to leave for my work. I also have to check with Naresh about the standing of Geeta's case. I quickly freshened up and left for work.

As I entered my office, I saw everyone's surprised expressions. They were not expecting me and neither was I expected to be here for a few more days. One day I was at the horse race event with Veer and the other, back home.

It's not like I didn't like my work...I love my work but I was just hoping to spend some time more with someone.

'Who...Vaibhav or Uday?' Those words rang in my mind.

Of course Vaibhav...One act of kindness from Mr. Shekhawat does not make him a good person!

I sat down on my office chair and called Naresh in.

"Ma'am, Geeta's husband is still not back! And I have been checking on her...she is safe!" Naresh informed me after I asked him for the case reports.

"Sorry to ask ma'am...but you were not supposed to be back this early!" Naresh looked down as I stared at him with a straight face.

"And why are you asking this?"

"Actually, we had thought of going to a bar after work...You rarely take a break from work and we thought that we might not get a chance to be this idle once you get back!" I heard his voice lower while saying the last part.

"You and the interns can go back home early...for your bar hopping...!" I saw him pass a grateful smile to me.

"But don't be late for work tomorrow!" He nodded and left while placing a few files on the desk.

I sighed once he left as I looked at the pending case readings. I gathered all my hair in a bun and got down to reading those case files. Sometimes, work can seem exciting when you are fighting in the courtroom but sometimes, it can also mean going through lengthy reports. Mostly, lengthy reports!

I spent the rest of the day couped up in my office. My phone did buzz for a few times but I chose to ignore it. If it would be work-related, they'll call on the office line.

At four in the afternoon, I saw my PA and some interns leave for their bar party. I was almost done and only one case left to be read so I thought of leaving for home.

I only checked my phone after I got in the car. I saw a few missed calls from one of my best friends, Anika Goel. I told her to come by tomorrow after her shift ends.


The next day, I reached my office earlier than the rest to finish the pending case files because I knew that once Anika would visit, I wouldn't be able to get back to work.

I walked in and saw Bhavin Dada cleaning the office. I greeted him with a bright smile and then walked in my cabin. I got down to work and started using my favorite highlighters to mark important pointers in the cases.

I only looked up when Naresh walked in. He looked tired...might be because of all the partying last night. I handed him the files which needed some changes in them. I instructed him to give some easy cases to the interns for them to practice. Our conversation was interrupted by a knock at the door and soon a head popped in.

"I come bearing cupcakes...!" And there she was, my crazy best friend. She flung open the door and kept the box on the desk. And then rushed in to give me a tight hug as she yelled my nickname in my ears. She calls me 'Ri' and we call her 'Annie'. And by 'we', I mean me and my other best friend, Meera Sharma. She moved back and sat across me while asking,

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