15.Silence before the storm!

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Mridula's POV

I was munching on popcorn while shuffling through the horror movies section on Netflix. I had argued that we should watch a romcom or something else but not horror. It was two against one and now here I am watching terrifying posters of the movies. I turned to Anika as I read the tittles but she didn't like a single one. It was Sunday and we three decided to meet in Anika's house for a movie marathon. I looked at Meera in agitation and asked her to select as my other friend was taking ages to do so.

"You should have selected the movies before inviting us, yaar. It is a waste of time..."

"Why...? You want to go back home early so you can prepare for your date...huh?"

The date...it's tomorrow and I still haven't received a word from Uday...maybe he has just forgotten about it.

"No...! Because then we have less time for other movies..." I tried to reason but she had an unwavering mind about it.

"So, where are you going for your date?"
Meera asked as she took the remote from my hand and selected the movie...great a horror movie!

How am I supposed to sleep alone at night after watching this.

Don't worry, Mridula...just keep the TV switched on. You might just get some sleep as cartoons play on the background. I kept a throw cushion with me to cover my face for if and when things get out of hand.

"I don't know...he still hasn't called or messaged!" I said while clutching the cushion tightly.

The movie started and then thankfully no words were exchanged. The tub of popcorn long forgotten as I was occupied holding the plushy cushion.

I must say the movie was getting interesting and horrifying at the same time. We three were so engrossed in it that all three of us jumped at the blaring ringtone of my phone. This was the first time I had seen my best friends scared and I couldn't help the laughter that erupted from my mouth. They glared me and shrugged my shoulders.

The phone rang again forcing me to shift my attention. I picked it to see an unknown number flash on it. I showed them the screen with a little scepticism. I picked it up reluctantly and placed it on my ear.

"Hello!" I tried to sound as polite as possible.

"Hello, Mridula!" I recognised that deep baritone.

Anika and Meera asked me who it was in gestures. I put the phone on mute and muttered Uday.

And I swear I saw Anika's face brighten up. This girl...!

I unmuted the call and listened to what he wanted to say.

"If you have forgotten, we have a date tomorrow...!" As if he'll let me forget it. And here, I was thinking he had forgotten about it.

"But how am I supposed to show up when I don't know where this 'date' is arranged, Mr. Shekhawat." I said with my voice dripping with sweetness.

I heard him chuckle and then say, "You don't have to worry about that I'll come to pick you up!"

"At sharp 12!"

I sighed and was about to reply when he beat me to it again. "Dress casual, Princess!"

"Okay...I have work tomorrow so you'll have to meet in my office!"
Uday said a quick yes and I told him, I'll send my office address.

"No need...I know where your office is..."
Before I could ask how, he cut the call.

Anika and Meera waited for me to blurted out what Uday said. I swear I feel like I should send them on a date with him. They are more excited than I am...that's for sure. I told them about us meeting in my office and all.

Artful Deceit & LoveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora