19. A distracting ploy!

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Uday's POV

"Mr. Shekhawat, you look distracted today..." I heard Victor voice his concern which forced me to look back at the laptop screen. I had a meeting in London but because of what had happened in the past few days, I thought of attending it from Delhi.

"No, it's nothing like that, Victor...I was just waiting for Mr. Rajawat to finish his presentation...! So, that I could keep our company's proposal in front of you which I know you...would readily agree...Hence saving us all of our precious time!" I said as I leaned back against my chair and eyed Vaibhav. His eyes flamed up in anger and he looked at his father.

"What is your proposal, Mr. Shekhawat?"

I smirked as I glanced at Vaibhav. I feel pity that he is going to lose again, but do I care...Definitely not!

"Ten percent profit rather than seven and a half...and the project would be completed three months before what date Mr. Rajawat has given...!"

The investors exchanged glances and then it was Vaibhav, who asked, "And how would that be possible!"

Then I went on to explain the strategy that we had come up with and also since we own a larger industrial area than the Rajawats, we can easily fulfill the demand in a short period of time.

I was about to conclude the meeting when I heard a knock and then Gaurav entered the office. His eyes showed urgency and I held my hand up and stopped him from interrupting me. I knew for certain that we would get this deal. I have known Victor since I was eighteen. His company was the first company that partnered with me and gave me my first business deal ever. And as for the investors, they know that our company has always kept its promise and that is why I am confident we'll get this deal. Because I know I am the best at what I do!

"That is what our company would offer when you give us the deal... We'll wait for your confirmation!" Saying that I slammed the laptop shut without waiting for their reply.

I eyed Gaurav in question. "He is ready to talk...but he'll only tell you, Yuvraj!"

I might have not been completely honest with Baba Sa. A few days back when I had received that anonymous tip, the guards had found a man with a loaded gun in his Delhi office. They had taken him to the basement of the mansion for interrogation. And after being tortured enough, he is ready to speak.

I stood up and buttoned my coat as I walked to the basement with Gaurav following my footsteps. As the door opened to the cell, I eyed the already beaten-up man and, then dragging a wooden chair that was kept against the nearest wall, I placed it in front of him with a loud thud. I watched as he slowly looked up. I loosened the buttons of my coat and then settled down on the chair while still keeping my gaze at him. I propped up my left leg onto the right thigh, while taking out a cigarette from the inner pockets of my coat. I know it is not a good habit but who cares!

Right on cue, Gaurav held out a lighter and I watched as the cigarette burned. I puffed in the smoke and leaned back.

"Speak!" My voice thundered in the cell and that man lowered his eyes in fear.

"It was a mistake, Sir...I did all this for money...!" I was getting irritated with this beating around the bush. I let my left foot on the ground and then leaned forward with the cigarette between my fingers.

"I am giving you five minutes..." I trailed as the man stared at me.

"No, that's a lot of time...!" Then I showed him four fingers, then three... I smirked as I saw his face draining out of color. Then two and then finally the count reduced to one.

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