21. Friends!

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Mridula's POV

I noticed that my mom was on the phone when I entered our home. She was frowning at something that the person and she gestured to me to take a seat right across from her. I sighed and removed my black strappy sandals and crisscrossed my legs while leaning back against the sofa.

"You'll have to take a few days off for the wedding, Beta!" She said as a helper offered me a glass of water which I hurriedly accepted.

"Nope!" I retorted back once I was done drinking. She glared at me and opened her mouth to probably scold me when I continued,

"I can multitask...don't worry! You just tell me what I have to do and I'll complete the tasks in a snap of a finger!"

She narrowed her eyes and shook her head at my overconfidence.

"So, this is the guestlist from our side...see, if you wish to add someone!" I took the Ipad from her hand and saw the list...a long list. I scanned my eyes to find a certain name...oh there it is. Mom has added his family's name. But I wonder if he'll show up considering his rival will be there.

"I have already added Anika and Meera and their families' names to the list!"

I kept the device on the table. "Then I don't need to add anyone else!"

I excused myself and rushed to my room. I was about to call Anika and Meera when I received a message from Vaibhav.

I am sorry for the way I reacted this morning! I should have been happy for your sister. Anyway, I will apologize properly once I meet you in person. Please congratulate your sister from my side.

I smiled reading the message. Somewhat, understanding why he acted the way he did.

I quickly changed into my comfortable grey shorts and Tees. After that, I conference-called both Anika and Meera, and they were still in their respective workplaces. So, I rushed and told them everything that happened and by the end of it, I heard Anika's happy shriek that I had to distance my phone from my ears. They were happy for Leela and said would congratulate her personally. Then we talked a bit about our days and then Anika ended the call as she had an appointment with a patient.

Then my mind drifted to what Vaibhav had said in my office. Falling in love!

I know I like him but love?

I care about him...deeply. I like spending time with him...because he and I are so very much alike. I feel like he understands me but I don't know whether I love him.

I groaned in frustration. My mind is just so puzzled right now!

Should I tell my friends about him...? Should I tell Leela...? She already knows that I went on a date with someone and when we were coming back from Jaipur, she also asked me again.

But this would distract her and I had promised myself...No distractions!

I chose to stay quiet. And it's a matter of a few days...and in the meantime, I'll sort my feelings!


"Are you sure that you are fine with me not attending this ceremony?" I heard Anika question me again.

"I am sure...work is the most important...And in your profession, emergencies can occur at any time!" I said as I was rummaging through my closet trying to find the saree that I wanted to wear for this ceremony. It has been two days since then. And today was the day when the RajPurohit will fix up a wedding date.

And I still can't find the mint green saree. I have selected all my accessories according to that outfit. I faintly heard a knock but I was more focused on my search that I didn't notice my mother standing at the doorframe of my closet...with my saree.

Artful Deceit & LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon