27. Conceited

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I know that I had to update last week but there are major changes happening in my life rn...and I sort of didn't get any free to write!
Anyway here's an update...not edited!

Happy reading!

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Mridula's POV

So, my sister finally got married!

It was a beautiful affair but also a tiring one! I managed to complete my share of duties without getting my mother angry.

As for me...after my cryptic conversation with Uday Shekhawat, I had gone to meet Vaibhav. We talked, more like I talked and he silently and patiently listened but cleared everything between us.

I even apologised for how dismissive I was that night. He understood why I did what I did because even he agreed that Uday Shekhawat brings out the worst in him and...I couldn't agree more!

Days have passed since that conversation. And tonight was the party that Meera wanted to Anika and I to attend. The party which is kept for the new project that my dear friend is going to head. I cannot be more happy for her. A broad smile has been plastered on my face throughout the day because Meera's hardworking was finally paying out. All those late nights and early mornings that she spent was at last paying off. I am sure that if there is someone in her architecture firm who deserves this success, it is definitely my dear friend.

I quickly slipped into a burgundy A-line dress with off shoulders that I had selected for tonight. It was subtly plain yet sophisticated, perfect for a formal occasion. And I loved how this neckline accentuates my collarbones.

I paired that up with white stilettos. I don't fancy high heels but I am the shortest amongst my friends. And I knew that these sandals would be uncomfortable but I think they are best suited for this outfit...Things we do for fashion!

I took my sweet time doing my makeup. As I finished applying the blush, my phone pinged with a message from Anika, informing me that she and Athrav were waiting for me in her car. And that was my cue to dash out of my room.


The party was being held on a fancy rooftop restaurant. We three were welcomed by Meera's happy and glowing face. Excitement clearly reflected in her eyes. She was wearing a black knee length dress with black heels, with her hair open and kept on one side.

"I am so glad you both are here..." Meera said that while reaching out to hold both of our hands. Anika grinned and glanced at me once before looking at Meera.

"And we are on time!" Anika stated as her gaze bounced between Meera and me. This girl wouldn't stop mentioning that hospital party in which we both were royally late. The same party in which Uday had asked me out on a date!

"Let it go, Anika!" Meera and I said it at the same time, making the three of us burst into laughter. Anika went on to introduce Athrav to Meera. I took that opportunity to let my gaze travel around. Soft music was being played in the background. The decor of the place was off-white with golden lights. At one side was the bar counter and to its opposite was a small elevated deck that led to an open space from where you can overlook the city in its night glory.

I felt someone's eyes on me. I scanned the premises again but I couldn't find anyone other than the guests of the party, causally conversing with each other.

"So, when is your boss going to announce you as the project head?" Anika asked, making me divert my attention back to them and shrugging that odd feeling away. Athrav had his arm wrapped around her shoulders while she leaned closer to him. She was wearing a cherry red high neck dress while her boyfriend had a semi-formal outfit; a black shirt and dark blue trousers. They were complementing each other perfectly!

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