Chapter 51

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"We need to talk," Eben says as he walks into Aaden's house the following day. "I need to tell you something."

"Where's Eve?" Neven asks as he places another plate on the table. "Is she going to join us for lunch today?" He has a hopeful look on his face.

"No," Eben shakes his head. "But Mary reassured me this morning when I dropped off her breakfast that she is leaving at five. Ally is running the night shift tonight and they are still not on that friendly of terms."

"Still wouldn't put it past her to take the shift though," Neven pouts.

"I trust Mary," Alun says as he dishes out the food. "If she says Evette will not be working tonight then she won't be working. Besides, I think I got through to her last night."

"Better hope you didn't get her sick," Aaden says with a glare, "all that pushing she has been doing and then you decide to make it rain can't be good on her immune system."

Alun smirks, "It's Evette. She healed an entire eighty year old dead castle garden in a day and didn't pass out until almost a week later."

"About that," Eben says sheepishly as he sits down.

"Is she sick?" all three friends ask at the same time.

"I don't think so," Eben shakes his head. "But something did happen that night."

"Last night?" Neven asks, making Eben shake his head again.

"The night of the stunt?" Aaden asks and Eben nods. Aaden stops eating to give him his full attention. "How bad did I hurt you?" he asks almost mockingly then quickly turns serious. "What happened?"

"Well, you know about the cut on my arm from a piece of the pillar breaking off from your blasts," Eben says as he rubs the back of his neck. "I guess I need to get some extra practice in because I'm just not as quick as I used to be. Anyway," he clears his throat, "Evette insisted on bandaging the cut because of how guilty she felt. It wasn't that serious of a cut but what no one knows is that one of the rocks actually hit my side."

"What?" Aaden gasps. "Why didn't you tell anyone?"

"I didn't feel it at first," He shrugged. "It wasn't until we were walking back and she was making a fuss about the cut that I started to feel it. I guess it was the adrenaline. She was already feeling so bad about the gash that she was near tears and then I let slip our feelings and," he sighed, "I didn't want to make her or you feel worse than I already knew you were feeling."

"How bad?" Aaden says through clenched teeth. It was taking everything in him to not let the fire out that was raging in him.

"Ally says I might have broke a rib," Eben admits.

"What?" Aaden jumps to his feet.

"Wait!" Eben jumps up and moves in front of him. "I'm not done."

"You need to be in the hospital right now."

"That's just it, I don't," Eben shakes his head.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Aaden says as he clenches and unclenches his fists. "Those kinds of burns require medical assistance."

Eben sighs and lifts his shirt over his head to drop it on the floor, knowing that showing is the only thing that is going to prove that he is perfectly okay.

"What the..." Neven whispers as he takes in Eben's body. He walks around his best friend as Aaden's eyes widen and mouth drops.

"How?" Alun asks as his eyes trail down Eben's body taking in the fact that there isn't a single bruise or burn on his body.

"That's what I'm trying to tell you," Eben admits as he continues to stand half naked in front of the group. "I think it's Evette."

"Eve?" Aaden asks as he moves Neven out of the way to look over Eben's body for himself.

"Remember what she said about her assistant?" Eben asks.

"She healed his amputation and he didn't die," Alun stares at Eben's body where the bruises and burns should be as if hes trying to piece a puzzle together. "She did say she feels more in control of her powers, but why is she still not aware of when shes using them?"

"Guys..." Neven says with a startled look. "Shes at the hospital right now. What happen if she doesn't notice her powers again?"

Aaden's eyes widen as he looks at Neven and then to Alun. "Oh shit."

"Looks like I'm doing my walk through of the hospital a little early this month." Alun says as he gets up and heads for the door.

"I'm going with you." Aaden insists. "One of you can stay here until we get back." Before either Neven or Eben can protest they are already gone.

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