Chapter 23

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The next morning, I wake up before the sun is up so I decide to get ready for the day and make breakfast for Aaden and myself. I find my dresses hung up in the wardrobe mixed in with a couple more outfits, which I assume were bought for me without my knowledge since I don't recognize them.

When I get to the kitchen Aaden is sitting at the table waiting for me. "You know, getting some rest doesn't mean making dinner for five people all by yourself," he sounded calm, but I was obviously in trouble.

"I'm fine. It's not like I made a feast, I just made a bit extra." I say as I walk towards the cabinets. "Besides, how do you know I didn't have help from the maid?"

"We know you told her to leave. Alun wasn't very happy to hear you sent the maid away." He stood up to help me out of spite, I'm sure. "We're just looking out for you. If something happens to you while no one is here, you could end up in the hospital."

I know they just want to make sure I'm okay, but they barely know me. I can't help but wonder why they all care so much. They've all been so good to me, and I don't want to feel reliant on them. Once I get better, I'm going to make sure I repay them for all the help I've received.

"I'm going to have a volunteer from the hospital come sit with you since you're so adamant about doing everything yourself." Aaden was clearly not letting this go. "We aren't going to risk your health just because you are stubborn."

"I'm not a child you know," I say. "I'm learning my limits; I won't know them if I don't push myself."

"You are too stubborn." He waves his hand, lighting the stove. "You need to be careful so that you can heal properly."

We work in silence making breakfast and an older woman walks in after knocking. I'm assuming she is the volunteer in charge of me for the day.

The silence continues as we eat and then when he puts the plate in the sink, he looks at me and says, "Remember what I said," then leaves before I can respond.

I clean the kitchen with the help of the volunteer and then sit in the living room looking out the window. After some time, I stand and head to his backyard. Sitting in the grass, I close my eyes and tilt my head up to the sun, soaking in the rays and enjoying the peace. When I felt completely at peace, I opened my eyes and stood. Noticing something by the back door that I didn't see when I first came outside, I walked over to investigate. Seeing some pots with packages of seeds just casually tossed inside, I pick them up and decide to plant them, so Aaden doesn't have to do it later.

I see the lady watching me, but she has yet to talk to me, so I decide to just leave her be since she seems content and she's not being overbearing about babysitting me. Once I am done, I head back inside and wash my hands. Feeling a little tired, I decide not to push myself and end up angering Aaden, so I go lay down.

Feeling better after a couple of hours, I get up and head to the kitchen to see what I can make since I am feeling a little hungry. I gather some things then sigh, "Would you help me please?" I ask the lady even though I really don't want to.

"Of course," she says, shutting her book then joining me. She begins cooking on the stove while I chop some vegetables.

"We should make some for the guys in case they get off work early or decide to have lunch here," I say softly. "If not, we can always store it for later." The lady nods and adds more vegetables to the pan on the stove. After everything is done, I plate our food then turn and jump in surprise to see Aaden, Alun, and Eben standing there watching up.

"Glad you aren't being stubborn right now," Aaden says with his arms still crossed.

"Would you like some?" I ask, holding out the plate.

"Thanks," Alun says, taking it then hands it off to Eben.

The lady holds out two plates to Aaden and Alun then hands me a plate. "After lunch you can leave if you want," Alun says to her. "We are done for the day."

She nods then sits down to eat. Once she is done, she puts the plate in the sink and leaves.

"So how was your day?" Eben asks as he watches Evette pick up her plate and take it to the kitchen. "What did you do today?"

"She was stubborn of course," Aaden said, taking the dishes from me then putting them in the sink. "Go sit down."

Deciding it is best to not push it, I sit back down and watch as the men work together to clean the kitchen. It is shocking and yet fascinating to see at the same time. If I'm being honest with myself, I could get used to this.

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