Chapter 19

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As I walk out of my room the next morning, I find a note on the floor outside my door. The writing is elegant, and the paper is adorned with small swirling designs.


Thank you for planting the tulips. I would like to repay you for getting the job done so quickly. They look amazing and I never would have guessed that they would all be done already. Meet me in the parlor when you get off of work today.

Mrs. Bohannon

I frown in confusion, pushing some of my blonde hair out of my eyes as I reread the note. What did she mean? I only finished planting the tulips that I had last night, but I didn't finish all of the boxes because I ran out by the time, I got done with the music room. I try to hide my worry as I rush outside to find all of the flower boxes full of tulips, every single box is full. I'm standing in front of the house in shock when Neven walks up to me and begins to do the same.

"You didn't do that on purpose did you?"

"No." I try to hide my worry as best I can. "I didn't even sleep last night. How is this possible?"

"We need to go see Alun," he says quietly. "Now but I know that's not possible. We need to talk to him as soon as possible."

"Okay," I nod. "I'll meet you and him after work. I have to get going." I begin walking away trying to get away from this whole situation.

"Let me walk you there." I knew he was going to do that, but I hoped I wouldn't have to confront him today.

"No, it's fine. I want to try to do it by myself." I say and then start to walk a bit faster.

"Oh... Ok. See you later I guess." I hear as I walk off. I can hear the hurt and confusion in his voice, but I couldn't focus on that right now.

Work is a blur since all of the chaos around me keeps fogging my brain. I make it to the end of the day and when I walk out Alun is having a hushed conversation with a frenzied Aaden. As I walk up their conversation halts as Aaden begins to stare at me with a mix of anger, fear, and worry. Alun looks between us and after a few moments he turns and motions for us to follow.

We end up at a tiny cottage not far from the hospital, and Aaden unlocks the door to usher us inside. Alun shows me to a chair while Aaden begins to pace. The lantern on the side table begins to flicker vigorously. A few minutes later Neven walks in and Aaden stops. The light from the lantern burns more brightly than it should which catches my attention, and my mind begins to wander.

We all sit in silence for a little bit and then Aaden turns towards me. "What actually happened at the castle?" He seems eager to hear my answer but yet hesitant to ask the question.

I look over at Alun who nods slightly giving me the assurance I need to tell the truth. I take a deep breath and then just blurt out, "I followed a map that was left to me by my father. The garden was dead when I first arrived and when I fell asleep the flowers came to life all around the castle. I didn't mean to do anything, but I didn't just tend to them. I didn't even try to bring them back to life. It just happened, I promise, I don't know how it happened, it just did."

Aaden's face is unreadable. He seems to contemplate what to do next. Without moving his gaze from the floor, he speaks. "Why did you leave your village?" There's a hint of anger in his voice that makes me stiffen up.

"It's okay," Alun says assuredly. "You can tell him."

"I accidentally healed my friend," I said while shaking. "He had saved me but lost his leg in the process." I begin to cry despite how hard I'm fighting to keep back the tears. "He was supposed to die, but I somehow saved him. I still don't know how it happened. I just brought him flowers and then the next thing I know he was healed. I don't know what I did but they thought I was a witch. I would have been killed if I hadn't run." All of my emotions came spilling out of me. I missed my friends, but the last thing I had seen of them was their hatred of what they thought I was. It was better to just keep the memories I had.

"And your husband?" Aaden asked. "What about him? Why hasn't he tried to find you or defend you?"

I completely froze up and my breathing hitched. "Not now," Neven shook his head.

"He didn't care." My body is numb, and my voice doesn't sound like my own though I know it is. It actually sounds distant like someone else is talking instead of me. "When I left, he was with another girl at the bar. He thought I was a witch just like everyone else." The room goes silent again as they all look at me. I want more than anything to run away.

I can feel Aaden's eyes on me, but I refuse to look at him, at any of them. "There's more isn't there?"

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