Chapter 18

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Neven and I walk back to the house in silence. When we get there, he goes to his room without saying a word to me or his mother who is sitting in the foyer. I'm grateful when she doesn't start yelling at me. She just stares in the direction that Neven walked off in and sighs. I can tell that she knows he's hurting, but something tells me she's been the type of mother who doesn't know how to get through to her children when they're in pain. I'm lucky that my father and I weren't like this, I could talk to him about anything. I briefly wonder what he would say about the current situation I have found myself in.

"There are some tulips in your room if you want to start there," she says, never moving her gaze from the door, breaking my thoughts and memories of my father.

"Thank you, Ma'am." I say as I bow my head slightly and head off to my room.

I fling my stuff onto the chair and decide to plant the tulips to get my mind off things. My mind is numb from all the events of the day. I barely remember finishing with the tulips and changing yet somehow, I ended up in bed looking up at the ceiling while trying to go to sleep. I sigh and fling the blanket back when I finally accept the fact that I will not be getting any rest tonight. I quickly change back into my work clothes and slip out of my room. Noticing that the hall is empty except for a maid I manage to get outside and take in a deep breath of the night air. I start walking to help clear my mind and quickly find myself back at the park I was at earlier. Spotting the area that I was in earlier, I sit amongst the plants and run my fingers over the petals while resting my chin on my knees letting my mind wander.

My eyes catch my wedding ring and I hold my hand up. Biting my lower lip, I stare at the plain gold band with a teeny tiny diamond in the middle. It was simply plain and memories of our wedding drift to my mind as I think about how John seemed reluctant to even slip it on my finger in front of our village. Now that I know about his adultery, I can't help but wonder if I was just some girl he wanted to get with or was convinced to be with to please everyone in our village. Maybe all I really was to him was really a glorified maid who had the privilege of a ring, that's certainly how I felt at times.

"How did I know I would find you here?"

I gasp and turn to see Aaden walking towards me. I wipe my face feeling the cool breeze touch my skin, letting me know that I had been silently crying again.

"What are you doing here?" I whisper, wiping my face against my sleeve again. I clear my throat and look up at the stars.

"I could ask you the same thing," he whispers as he sits next to me.

"I couldn't sleep," I admit softly. "I thought taking a walk would help clear my head."

"What's on your mind?" I could feel him watching me.

"A lot," I whisper, refusing to look at him. I couldn't stand his piercing amber eyes on me right now; I know he would see through my mask, and I just can't stand his judgment of me.

"Your husband?" He asked and I look at him shocked. He smirks, "You were looking at your ring." I look back at the stars and refuse to admit it. "He wasn't a good person, was he?"

"I don't know anymore. He just wanted me to be a good wife, but I wouldn't listen." I start to fidget with the ring on my finger. "Now look at me. Two days here and I've already destroyed a relationship."

"Neven and Ally have always fought. Their relationship was forced, and it was only a matter of time before something broke them." He speaks softly which I'm learning is more common than I would have originally thought when I first met him.

"Maybe I need to stay away from both of them when I move out." The thought stings a little for some reason, but it seems like the best option.

"You could come stay with me for a few days. I could help train you," he says nonchalantly. "It would take a couple days to set up and it wouldn't be a permanent fix, but it would give you time to rest and give Neven time to get his shit together."

I look up at him shocked, both for the fact that he was being nice to me and for the fact that he already figured out a solution to my problem so quickly. I have to admit, it makes me a little apprehensive since I've only seen him harsh and critical until today. He almost seemed like a different person right now. His locks were pulled back in a low ponytail and the way the moonlight was hitting his caramel skin casted an almost ethereal look to him. It made me wonder if I was really talking to him or if this was just a crazy dream. He smirked as he watched me, almost like he knew what my mind was thinking at the moment. I quickly looked back down at the plants and softly sighed.

"Maybe you're right." So much has happened just since I got here. I would hate to be a burden to Aaden but maybe Neven just needs time to sort out everything with Ally. "I just...maybe?"

"Think about it and tell me tomorrow." He stands up and begins to walk away. "No pressure, okay?" He smiles softly and waves as he walks away leaving me in the park alone with my thoughts once more.

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