Chapter 27

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My conversation with Eben helps calm me down enough to compose myself a bit better, so I walk into the bathroom and wash my face. As I dry my face I notice a loose board on the floor under a chair. Moving the chair, I'm able to peel the board up and I find a sealed letter covered in dust. The wax seal has the emblem of an azalea leading me to believe it was a member of the royal court who wrote it. I quickly decide to stuff it in my pocket and return the board but I stop as an idea pops into my head. Seeing the ring on my hand, I decided to try and be brave. Slipping it off my finger I place it in the secret compartment. I quickly replaced the board and moved the chair back to look as if nothing had happened.

I walk out of the bedroom and head back through the castle to the garden so I can look at the azaleas one last time. They still look as pretty as the day I arrived here. So much of me wants to take some of them with me but I know I'm not allowed so I leave them be.

Aaden spots me through the window and quickly rushes to my side. "You have no idea how worried I was."

"I have an idea..." I pause and bite my bottom lip nervously. "I talked to Eben."

"Ha..." he averts his gaze slightly, "I guess you do know how distraught I was then."

"I didn't know you would get so upset over me leaving," I start to feel my face warm slightly. I still feel guilty about causing so much trouble for all of them, but it's nice to know that Aaden cares about me. "I'm sorry."

"It wasn't the first time I've lit something on fire, and it probably won't be the last." Aaden shrugs and holds out his hand for me to take it.

I think about it and place my hand in his, liking how it feels so right. With John, my hand felt so small and weak but somehow with Aaden, it felt warm and safe. I don't worry about him tightening his grip until it hurts because something in me knows that he wouldn't hurt me. It's more of a safe, protective feeling. I briefly wonder if he will continue holding my hand. I have to admit I am slightly confused because normally when John would hold my hand, I would have a sickening churning feeling in my stomach and yet there is none now as I hold hands with Aaden. Maybe I am just thinking way too much into this.

"You okay?" Aaden asks as we walk.

"No," I admit as I shake my head. "I thought I could trust Neven...He lied to me, he deceived me, and now I caused you to fight. I'm causing so many problems..."

"No you aren't," he shook his head. "You can trust Neven. What he did was wrong, but he was trying to protect you. I think we all understand if you don't feel comfortable trusting him just yet again though."

"I just feel like I'm always causing more trouble than it's worth." I blurt out as I let go of his hand and the sinking feeling in my gut starts to settle. It's not the same as when I was with John. It's more guilt than anything, but I can't bear to make them all deal with the storm of trouble that seems to follow in my path. "I don't want any of you to feel obligated to take care of me. I've done enough damage as it is." How is it that I am able to tell him what I am feeling? I should be keeping this to myself so how is he able to get me to talk so freely? Is this another one of his powers?

"That's not true at all," he shakes his head as he turns to face me, giving me his attention. "We fight whether you're there or not, and you wouldn't be staying at my house unless I wanted you to. I know it must be hard for you, but would you want to try to come back to the house with me and Eben?"

I sit for a minute pondering the idea. Going back would mean having to face Neven again, but if I don't go back I don't know where I could go. I doubt Aaden and Eben would let me stay here considering the castle is off limits and if I somehow managed to convince them to let me stay here, I have a feeling they would show up at all hours to check on me or try to convince me to go back to the village until I give in. This is one of those choose wisely situations my father used to tell me about.

"You and Eben?" I ask confused. "So he would be staying at your place as well?"

"I'm gonna stay with you guys while Ally and her parents go off to the island where my mom grew up," Eben says as he walks through the doors to the castle. "Aaden and I thought it would be a good way to get you some practice with your powers.

"Ok." I say reluctantly, and I guess Aaden notices my hesitation because he grabs a plum from the tree and hands it to me.

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