Chapter 48

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It is cold outside when Eben comes to get me. The chill in the air reminds me of the incident a few days ago at Alun's estate. Today is the day we put our plan into action so my nerves are a little wrecked. As Eben and I walk towards the building that is soon to be my new flower shop I take note of all of the people around us. They have no idea their world is about to change, and in a way I feel bad for them but at the same time I know that this is what needs to be done.

"Evette, are you sure about this?" Eben whispers in my ear as we walk towards Neven.

"It might be the only chance we have," I say back.

Neven is the only one who doesn't know about the plan. We needed someone who would have a genuine response to the chaos that way it would be believable, but it also had to be someone who was more likely to have an outburst. Since Aaden was already aware of the plan he was out, and Eben is the calmest of the three so we needed him to keep everyone safe, thus leaving it to be Neven to be the one giving an actual true response to what is about to happen.

"I'm glad you decided to come today, Evette," Neven says as he pulls out a sheet of paper from his jacket pocket. "This is what it will look like when it's completely finished." The building in front of us was made of stone. The structure was complete however it was still missing doors and windows. The image on the paper showed the doors that were picked out and some flower beds in the front. It looks better than I could have imagined.

"Do you want to go inside?" Eben asks me as he places his hand on the small of my back.

"Yes, please." Eben and I go in first with Neven close behind as the wind picks up.

The shop is mostly still empty, but there are a few shelves and counters built into the walls. I walk around for a few minutes trying to imagine what it will be like when it's all done. Eben is never far from my side as planned, and as I walk around I point out possible things to add to the space. Neven looks at us a few times and starts to seem on edge. This may work better than I thought.

"I think I'm done for today. Thank you for bringing me," I say to Eben as I move close to him and grab his hand. "Neven, this looks amazing. Thank you for all the effort you put into managing this. I don't think anyone could have done a better job."

"I-I-It was nothing," Neven studders out never taking his eyes off of my hand intertwined with Eben's. "Don't mention it." The wind is still blowing hard and I feel a slight shake in the floor.

I walk through the door and see my cue so I turn to Eben who gives me a small kiss on the head. The ground starts to shake and the wind starts to blow even harder. Suddenly Aaden is blazing towards us with rage in his eyes.

"Don't touch her!" As he shoves Eben away from me a small flame erupts from his hands. Luckily the flame dissipated and nothing is on fire.

"Aaden, calm down." Eben pleads as a crowd gathers "She came out with me by her choice. I would never–"

"Shut up!" Aaden cuts him off and another blast of fire erupts from his hands and flies towards Eben, who blocks it with a stone pillar that shoots up from the ground. Some people start to run away while others stay and watch intently. "You knew the situation and still decided to make a move on her!"

"You act like you haven't!" Eben scoffs. "Do you really expect me to believe that nothing has happened between you two while living together?" That must have hit a little too close to home because the flames in the street lights begin to grow threatening to melt the glass.

"Guys stop!" Neven yells as he runs between them no doubt trying to stop any harm from coming to anyone around. "We've all gone this long without fighting over this. What changed?"

"The bastard just kissed her in broad daylight like it was nothing!"

"Evette made her choice. Let it go." Eben says defensively. "I would never do anything that she wasn't one hundred percent okay with."

"We all said we would let her decide. I know we didn't think that would happen for a while, but we all have to accept it," Neven says to Aaden. The pain in his eyes is a shock to me.

"Fine," Aaden says before storming off. As I watch him leave I get the feeling I might have crossed a line.

"Are you ok?" I ask Eben as I run up to him.

"I think– OW!" I look down and see a gash on his arm. "I guess I'm not that good at fighting anymore."

"Do I need to take you to the doctor?" I knew they were gonna start a fight to draw attention, but I didn't think it would be this bad.

"Nah, I know how to take care of it. We can just go to my place and let Aaden cool off for a bit."

"Neven, can you go check on Aaden?" I say knowing my plan worked. Aaden can explain while I help Eben with his arm. "I doubt he wants to see either of us right now."

"Yeah..." He seems detached as he looks at me. I can't help but think my plan worked a little too well. "Sure..."

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