Chapter 34

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Aaden and I clean up the glass in the yard and then decide to go check how far the blasts went. I notice Eben is gone but decide not to question it. We pass by the hospital and Ally spots us as she's walking out. She stops for a second before continuing in our direction.

"Aaden, you should know your mom was admitted earlier." Ally fidgets with her bag while talking. "They said she fainted in front of the town hall." Her ear begins to twitch and she doesn't look at me not that I don't blame her of course.

"Thank you," he nods. "I'll have someone check on her for me tomorrow."

Aaden begins to walk away but Ally stops him. "I know you two don't get along, but she's your mother. Can you at least try to go see her?"

Aaden doesn't speak as his body tenses almost like a snake about to strike. He takes a deep breath before slowly releasing it. Without looking back at her, he motions for me to follow him. I can't help but feel conflicted. I know if it were one of my parents there I would want to be by their side, but I don't know what Aaden's relationship is like with his parents. I mean obviously there is some tension with them but I don't know just how deep it goes so I decide to just remain quiet as I walk alongside him.

After some time he sighs, "I don't have the same relationship that you had with your father."

"I can tell," I admit, "but if you aren't ready to discuss it, Aaden, that's okay with me. I'll try not to be so nosy." He stares into my eyes for a moment before nodding. He spots something or someone over my head but before I can turn around he takes my hand and makes us start walking again. "I just want to be there for you like you've been there for me. I'm sorry if I seem nosy. My father used to tell me that inquisitive minds are a treasure to have because they're the most eager to learn how to make this world a better place. I feel like I lost a bit of that when I married John."

Aaden turns to me, closing the space between us to where we are inches apart. He looks down at me and smiles. "Never be afraid to ask me anything."

"Ok..." I stand there unsure on how to react. I like being open with him, but I've never been intimate with someone like this. I've not been able to trust someone this much since my father passed, and being this close with a man who I'm not related to is new territory altogether.

As if reading my mind, Aaden steps back putting some space between us. The calm smile lingers on his face as he begins to walk away.

We walk in silence for a while before reaching the shops and Aaden starts to walk into a restaurant before someone grabs me by the shoulder. "What spell have you put on my wife you witch!?" the man yells as he spins me around and grabs my arms.

Before I can react, Aaden is by my side. He grabs the man who releases me and throws him to the ground. "You touch her again and I will kill you!" He growls as he moves to block me from the man's sight.

"First she ruins Neven, then you, and now she's put your mother in the hospital!" the man shouts as he gets up off the ground brushing dirt off in anger.

Aaden's anger bursts out in flames that fly through the air and land creating a barrier between me and them. "She did no such thing!"

"Open your eyes, Son. Let Danol lead you back to your path..." he starts but is quickly cut off by the fire growing closer to him.

"Danol doesn't exist, Dad," Aaden rolls his eyes. It's like he's said that statement a million times before now. "Even if he did, it's not like he cares. If he did then Mom wouldn't be sick. If your all powerful god is really out there he would have saved Aunt Leala. Quit making a fool of yourself!" The fire continues to close in on the man until a voice booms from behind me.

"What is going on?" I turn to see Alun and Neven behind me. The water at Alun's feet rushes up and flies in a stream over my head before crashing into the fire. Both Aaden and the man freeze as Alun walks over to them leaving me with Neven.

"Are you Ok?" Neven asks shyly. He knows he hurt me, but at least he's trying to give me the space I need.

"Just a little startled is all," I say quietly as I grab the sides of my dress.

"Both of you are aware that disturbing the peace is a punishable offense," Alun's voice is stern and his stance is no different. "What happened?"

"He grabbed Evette and started yelling at her for no reason!" Aaden shouts.

"She cursed my wife!" the man protested.

"Do you have any proof of that Sir?"

"N-no but," he stammered, I think I saw a small smirk on Neven's lips but I really don't want to look to see if it's true or not.

"Without proof you had no reason to terrorize the poor woman. I will let this extreme violation of laws slide given the current state of your wife, but if you choose to disrupt the order of the village again I will have no choice but to report you to the council."

"Y-yes sir." the man stammers as he bows in Aluns direction before scurrying away in fear.

Both Alun and Aaden make their way back over to me and Aaden grabs my hand. "Are you hurt?" he asks gently. It's shocking to see his moods switch so fast but at the same time it's not because of John's tempers. Honestly, it puts me a little on edge every time I see it.

"I'm fine," I say, tightening my grip on my dress. My chest is starting to feel tight, like I'm not getting enough air.

"Let's get you out of here," Neven suggests. He looks at Aaden then quickly to my hands then back to Alun.

I release my grip and clear my throat, "I'm fine, really."

"Well, I'm not," Aaden says sternly. "I want to leave, so let's go home."

I nod, "Okay."

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