Chapter 32

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I pause for a moment in slight disbelief. In all the time I've spent here no one has ever asked me about the village. They've all asked me about my life there at some point or another, but never about the village. "I had a map when I left, but I'm not a very good wayfinder, so without it I wouldn't be able to show you where it is."

"That's fine." Aaden says as he walks over to me. "We can find it. Where is the map?"

"Why do you want to know where the village is?" I ask nervously. My body starts to tremble as fear starts to take over. A few more tears slip down my face.

"We are just curious," Eben says softly as he rubs my back. "That's all."

"I have no idea, I just ran and ran, especially when those animals were chasing me."

"What animals?" Aaden asked.

"A wolf, bobcat, and snake," Neven answered, startling me to his appearance. I cast him a hurt look and he looks down in shame. "Evette, I–" he starts. I don't want to hurt him or anyone else so I try to be civil, but right now the best I can do is stay silent.

"Look," Eben interrupts him while pointing to the flowers in front of me. "This is what we mean by your emotions affecting your powers."

I follow his arm down to his hand and gasp, the once purple flowers are now turning white. The white azaleas begin to sprout out of the ground around me, spiraling out and stopping right at Neven's feet.

"Maybe we should try calming your emotions. That way we won't have an issue with overgrowth," Alun gestures to the new blooms around the backyard.

"I would prefer to not have to scorch the yard, but at this rate I'm not even sure if that would do much good," Aaden says as they all look on in disbelief.

"Why don't I take you out to the forest with me to gather some mushrooms and do some research in just a bit?" Eben asks, drawing my attention away from the chaos that has sprouted around me. "Maybe we can work out there where it's less dangerous to be seen."

"Sure, I'll be in my room until you are ready." I stand and escort myself inside in an attempt to quell the pressure building in my chest. I know Neven meant no harm, and I can tell he really wants to apologize, but my heart is still not ready to hear it. As I walk through the door I catch one last glimpse of Neven standing in the backyard surrounded by white azaleas.

Later in the day after they got rid of all the sprouts in the backyard Eben came to get me from my room and accompanied me to the forest. As we walk he explains how his powers work and how he controls them. He talks about what it was like learning at a young age and how much training he went through. The people in the village get their powers in their teen years and are trained in how to use them along with schooling. Most people are assigned jobs based on their abilities unless they have an abnormal proficiency that doesn't match their abilities. I also learn more about Eben's family. His mother was from an island and when his father met her on one of his expeditions they fell in love with each other. Over time his mother gave up many of the traditions of her people so she would fit in with the other ladies of the court. Eben didn't like it very much so he started staying with his cousins when he got old enough and he read a lot about his culture from his mother's old journals.

"Do you ever think that there's a better way of living than this?" I ask while digging a mushroom out of the ground.

"What do you mean?" Eben looks up at me with a puzzled look.

"It's just that most of the people here don't really get much of a say in their lives." I shrug, "Why does everyone have to do what their powers dictate? It just seems a little cruel."

"I don't know. That's the way it's always been. Everyone is provided for, and most people seem content. I guess it's just a sacrifice we all have to make." He seems unsure of the words coming out of his own mouth now that he's talking about it.

"I wish they didn't though." I've noticed ever since I got here that, while people seem happy on the surface, most of the people I've met base their life choices off of what they think is best for others. Even in Neven's case he tried to grin and bear a forced marriage for his mother's sake rather than his own happiness.

"Yeah me too. If I could, I would be out here everyday, but that's not where I'm most useful."

"Is that really what's most important though? I spent my life with my father because he wanted me to, but I also loved working in the shop. Even when John wanted me to quit, and even when I knew it would be easier, I still kept working because it's what I loved. I can't imagine not having that chance."

"A couple of years ago I would have said yes, but now I'm not so sure." Eben stopped and sat down to think.

"What changed your mind?"

"Watching my cousin and best friend beat themselves up over an arranged marriage. Watching Alun give up his childhood wasn't much better though."

"What do you mean?"

"That's a story you need to hear from him. We all gave up a little piece of our happiness for the village. We were expected to since we're next in line."

"Why isn't it your parents?"

"Our grandparents choose the heirs rather than going to the next generation. When we were kids they noticed how we were all drawn to each other and chose to declare us as their successors. They thought if we all got along and could be trained together it would be an easier transfer of power."

"I guess that's better than going on blood alone. My village just gave everything to the oldest male in the family."

"That sounds incredibly stupid," he chuckles, "Why specifically the oldest male? Some of the females in my life have been the best leaders, I can't believe they wouldn't even give them that choice and opportunity."

"Me either. Luckily I was an only child." We both laugh a little and sit for a while.

"Come on, we should get back. Aaden is probably waiting for you." When he mentions Aaden the earth shakes a bit. It's not much but both of us look to the ground in shock.

"Was that your powers?"

"I don't know," he admits. His expression is full of worry. Taking my hand, he lifts me off the ground. "We should hurry and get back."

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