Chapter 29

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"Ok, well I didn't see that coming," Eben says as we stand in the backyard.

"I knew your powers were out of control, but Alun didn't tell me they were this powerful," Aaden says as he sips his morning coffee from the doorway. "At least it gives us a definitive place to start with your training."

"I'm just glad it's only this part of the house. Last time Neven had to wake me up in the middle of the night to remove azaleas from half of the estate," I say as I sit in the grass to take in all of the bushes that have sprung up overnight. It was so beautiful that I just wanted to soak it all up. The way the morning light hit the dew made the flowers so pretty. I felt so peaceful just sitting there amongst all the plants. A soft smile was on my lips as I just sat there in a calm peace. I honestly didn't want to leave.

"Well, the first thing you need to know is how your magic feels. If you don't know how to tell when it's on you wont be able to turn it off," Aaden quips.

"What?" I ask in confusion as I break out of the peaceful trance to look at him.

"Close your eyes and focus on what you're feeling," Eben says as he sits next to me in the grass. It oddly felt okay to me to have him that close to me.

I feel the grass around me, and there's a slight breeze in the air. I can feel my hair brushing against my arm, I can feel my breathing, and my mind is somewhat calm, but nothing feels out of the ordinary. "I don't feel anything," I say feeling defeated. Aaden and Eben share a look and then both turn to look at me.I look at them cautiously, what was that look they shared? I was starting to feel nervous as various thoughts began to race.

"Do you trust us?" Eben asks cautiously.

That's a hard question to answer. I've only known them for a short period of time, and a good majority of that time has been turbulent. I look at Aaden and smile gently. For some reason when I look at him I know I can trust him. Looking back I guess in a way he's earned it in such a short period of time, but I've always felt this way. Even with Eben I've always had this innate sense that I could trust him. I thought I could trust Neven but I wasn't so sure when it came to him anymore. But as for Aaden and Eben, there was no question.

"I do," I say as I turn my gaze back to Eben.

Aaden nods as if giving permission to continue and Eben gets a slightly worried look on his face. "I need you to explain to me what happened to you when you were with your ex husband," he reaches out and softly touches my hand. "In detail."

My breathing becomes shaky and my pulse begins to race. "I've already told you." I stand and start to pace as I wring my fingers together. "I told you almost all of it. Please just drop it."

My chest tightens as my mind screams. I can't tell them that. I can't tell them that I was a bad wife, that I couldn't please my husband. I can't, I just can't. I would lose them, they would be disappointed in me and not want to help me anymore. I can't bear to see those looks in their eyes, it would destroy me more than I already am. I turn my back to them and close my eyes as I feel a tear trickle down my face. I suddenly feel someone standing in front of me but I can't bear to see who it is. The hand that gently touches me tells me that it is Eben that gently wipes away the tears. He is so gentle with me that it makes more tears slip down and yet he doesn't seem frustrated by it. There's no yelling at me to stop or angry slaps, just soft caresses each time so patient that it completely confuses me. I finally manage to open my watery eyes and he gives me a soft smile.

"Our powers are connected to our emotions and a big emotional response can help activate them..." Eben's eyes darted to Aaden for a split second, " most cases."

"What do you mean most cases?" I ask, directing my gaze at Aaden, knowing he's more likely to give me an answer.

"There have been times that it hasn't worked but for the majority of the time it works," he says calmly. "I can explain more later, right now we need you to be honest with us. For this to work, we have to know the truth, Evette."

"We won't judge you, Evette," Eben says as his hand that was caressing my face drops to my hand and he starts rubbing comforting circles on the top of my hand. "We can already guess some things but we really need you to tell us the truth. That's the only way we can help you."

"Evette," Aaden says, then waits until I look at him. "We aren't going anywhere. No matter what you say, you won't scare us away, so sit down amongst your pretty little flowers since they give you happiness, take a breath, then tell us what happened."

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