Chapter 24

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After a couple of days of living with Aaden I start to get used to it. He's overbearing when it comes to my health, but it is all in a good manner, nothing like how my husband was. Other than that, he's an amazing and caring host, it definitely threw me for a loop at the beginning but I have found myself liking it at times, it almost makes me feel special. I like that I'm not being babysat anymore, and I've regained enough strength to do things for myself around the house without too much complaint. Since I've been here at least one other person has been coming over for dinner every night, but I haven't seen Neven. Alun came over last night and brought me a new book which I was so thankful for. I never read that much before since I was always working at my father's shop but being cooped up in the house has given me a lot of free time. He thought it was funny that I was so excited, I heard him mumble something, but I didn't catch what he said.

I'm outside in the backyard taking my clothes off the line when Aaden walks out and begins helping me. I only have 3 outfits since that was all I was able to fit in my bag when I left my old life behind, so there is barely anything for him to help me with. I must do laundry more often, but since there isn't much to do I don't mind, plus I like being outside.

"Do you feel good to go out today?" Aaden asks while putting one of my dresses on a hanger. "You shouldn't have to feel trapped here."

"That sounds nice. Sure." It will be good for me to get out of this house for a bit. It's calm here, but everyone needs to get out now and then. "And I don't feel trapped here, I like being here," I admit softly. I think I saw him smile but when I looked again, he just nodded so I must have imagined it.

I go put my clothes in the wardrobe and grab my boots. As I come into the living room Aaden is holding out a light cloak. He walks towards me and drapes it over my shoulders. I notice that it's a dark green color, the clasp is silver and looks like a rose, it's beautiful. I feel my cheeks warm slightly as Aaden's hand brushes against my neck while he is adjusting the cape. I'm not sure if I'm ok with how intimate the gesture felt. Despite the failure of my marriage, I am still technically married to another man. Aaden doesn't seem like it is anything other than a helpful gesture, so I push my feeling to the side and convince myself it was nothing more than a friend helping another friend.

We walk out the door and pass by the hospital on our walk. I notice the woman who was tasked with looking after me and I give a gentle wave. As we keep walking, I notice the streetlamps again. The sun has barely started to set but all the lamps are already lit. They seem to be burning brighter than normal but they're not as frantic as usual either. Something tells me to look at Aaden and I notice he has a small smile on his face. He seems serene as he glances down at me with his gentle gaze, it causes my breath to hitch for a second. I look away and I think I hear him chuckle, but it was so soft I can't be sure.

We get to a small shopping district and Aaden stops outside a boutique then opens the door. "What are you up to?" I ask curiously.

"You need more than three outfits," he says bluntly with a devilish smirk on his face.

"I can wait until I get paid. It's fine," I try to talk him out of this but a part of me already knows I don't have much of a chance at winning this predicament.

"You can buy more when you get your money, but I'm buying you some today," he says sternly. I can tell that he's obviously not giving up on this. Well shit, I think to myself giving in.

I reluctantly walk into the boutique and start to look around. I find a nice dark blue dress with cuffed sleeves and some white lace at the bottom. It is adorned with small silver buttons and when I look closer there is silver trim sewn into the collar. It was beautiful. I check the price tag and immediately walk away determined to not have Aaden spend much money on me. I find another simple dress in a light grayish pink color that is much cheaper and grab it off the rack. I grab two more work outfits and then go to Aaden and insist that I'm done. He takes them up to the clerk and pays for them so we can leave.

As we walk home, I see Cormac walking towards us. Aaden tells me he will meet me at home, and I assume he has business at the barracks to attend to, so I go home to put my new clothes up. It's twilight when I reach home and the house looks welcoming to my tired body. I'm glad I got out, but I probably shouldn't overwork myself. I put up the new clothes up and grab the book Alun brought me so I can read in the living room.

A couple hours after I get home, Aaden walks through the door holding a garment bag from the boutique. I took all the clothes I picked out, so this has to be something he went back for. "I see you went back for something for yourself." They had some nice vests and some suits so I'm hoping that's what is in the bag.

"No," he says matter of factly. I swear I can never get this man to listen to me. "Eben is bringing dinner for everyone. Would you mind putting this up so I can go set the table?"

"Who's all coming?" I ask trying to hide my annoyance at him for buying me something else.

"All the guys. We normally all get together once a month." he says as he takes off his coat and hangs it up. "If you aren't up for it, we can always go somewhere else."

"No, its fine. It will be nice to see everyone," I say, "I'm going to make some pastries for dessert then."

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